Chapter 43 - Desecration (1/2)

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(For those who think the rundown of this scenario is unrealistic, Remember I literally decided to combine the Wolfenstein and The Last Witch universe into this one yet there were people that liked it.)

———40,000 feet above the skies———

"Beautiful skies." One soviet bombardier said as he looked through the side windows of his bomber aircraft.

A small formation of large aircraft flew serenely over the clouds as if they were biplanes flying against the waves of the sea.  The enormous aircraft serving as bombers hold a capacity virtually unmatched, a payload higher than a B-29.

Being at an altitude higher than what a B-29 can achieve, fighters and other Bomber escorts were ditched. However the amount of guns they have in ratio to their size is quite few, as very few aircraft can easily reach their altitude. Other than another type of Bomber meant for secondary/support bombing. Only they were comparably smaller, around the size range of a B-29.

There are also the paratrooper variations being capable of easily dropping numbers approximately equivalent to two companies (400 troops). Their Fuselage was fully pressurized, and all of the paratroopers were given masks to deal with a short time of reduced oxygen before they could safely reach normal breathing altitude once they conduct what would be classified in modern terms as a 'HALO jump'.

These variations were flying at a distance from the Bombers as they are assigned to infiltrate Castle Neukreuz, simultaneously as other bomber groups do their run against the Germans. An approximate 1 minute gap (5.075 kilometres).

"We're nearing the target, have our bombardiers prepare to drop the payload."

Ahead of the The transports, the bombers were readying their devastation.

"Do you feel uneasy?" The pilot asked one of the bombardiers that went up to talk.

"Not really." He responded

"Hey I'm getting something on our radar-" the co-pilot said, most of the bombers were also equipped with several sensors and radar mechanisms akin to an all-weather/night-capable aircraft. Just immediately afterwards a sudden jolt traversed his bomber.

"The F**k?!"

["Left wing! Engine 2 has been hit, it's on fire!"] a voice radioed out from the first bombardier whilst he was looking out the window. The pilot quickly looked at the instruments of the aircraft.

"I'm Shutting down engine 2, The Fire would get worse!"

"How! I thought their radar couldn't detect us!"

["Roc-3 bogey to your 10'o clock!"] a radio from another bomber said, the three crewmen look at that direction and a white and red object suddenly appeared from the clouds, They recognized the figure almost immediately after depictions of her from anti-axis propaganda in the Federation and newspapers.

They believed nothing other than these specific bombers were capable of such heights, And now Izetta was right here with them at a cold and high altitude with very little air, and Five metallic objects were following behind her, they were vaguely aware of what they from their appearance. Bombs.

"But that's impossible... how does she even-?" The bombardier uttered in shock

"That doesn't matter! shoot down that Witch!"


"Get back to the Bomb-bay we are reaching our target!"


Several waves of bright projectiles litter the sky like the anti-aircraft fire from a fleet, almost everyone is aware of who their aggressor was.

"Come on...!" Izetta uttered as she rapidly closed the distance, despite the barrage of fire, she was preventing as many bombers as she could from getting closer and harming her country's allies,

Alternate Historyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें