Chapter 9 - Nuremberg

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—Berlin, Germany—

I have been called over to Berlin for a meeting for any further progresses before War is to be assured and Poland Invaded. Fortunately for now none of the Jews, or Church personnel are being arrested as per Joseph Goebbels' Actions in my world and in this world's version... Josephine... Goebbels.

Speaking of which I was in my unofficial private quarters here watching the Documented footage of Josephine's speech.
In my History Joseph Goebbels was a fanatic anti-semite, who in in the 1935 Nuremberg rally conducted a speech regarding this endeavour, But now as I continued to watch it seems less and less akin to my world's history, it is mostly Fanatic nationalism, she doesn't even mention any Jews whatsoever.

This world's leaders and major figures are females, I've figured that out after reading, most if the major figures in this world are female, while there are still a few Male, and they are younger at that.

Their young age, rendered them almost untainted by horrors of WW1, but their personalities and ideals are very similar, but this combined with the fact that I 'changed' the life of Ava, who is this world's Hitler, she is no longer the belligerent megalomaniacal Monster that would make Satan look like some R-13 Comic Villain, No, she was just... A Nationalist... And Socialist, she wasn't blinded with pride, she was not hellbent on wiping Jews off the face of the earth, The same goes for the SS. She is just focused on avenging her fallen homeland through bringing the European powers to their knees.

With my intervention, this world... This world won't even have a monster much worse than Kim Jong Un.

"Hmm..." I continued watching the footage intently by my desk, until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I quickly turned around to see the Chief Of propaganda herself, Josephine Goebbels.

We locked gazes, until I double-took to see the Footage projected on the board

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We locked gazes, until I double-took to see the Footage projected on the board.
"Scheiße!" I uttered as I hastily stood up and ran for the Projector behind us and attempted to take out the tapes, only for my wrist to be held in place by Josephine.



"...I-I... Uhh..."

"I see you were watching my Speech for the Congress Of Freedom?" She asked


"Hmm... What did you think of it?"

"I think they were well made, the tone, the delivery, and nationalism focused within the speech, Your voice and tone was also pretty effective."

"You... Think so?"

"Well... Yes, you are the chief propagandist, right? I wouldn't really doubt your capability there."

"*stuttered cough* Hmm... Well then, I suppose you can help me with a little endeavour in the near future."

"...Which is?"

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