Chapter 39 - The Escape (2/2)

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———Southwestern England, Port near Padstow———

Julie, Andrey, and Josefine were currently walking down the cemented port. As they closely approach a large privately owned vessel.

"Alright here she is... The moonstone, You'll be off." Julie said

"Right, thanks." Andrey said

"...Okay, Look... If you don't feel comfortable with working with the Axis then-"

"No no, I was just taken aback earlier that's all, So many reasons to hesitate... I just never thought you guys would do so much changes, to be honest I don't know if you should even be called the axis. Not much things were disclosed to me other than military operations, individuals, and important info."

"I see... Well you don't have to worry about that now. The world is changing, the war is changing... The people are changing." Julie said as she looked back at the coastal city, just managing to see several people walking down the streets in a protest in the distance.

The continuing war is starting to strain their supplies, that combined with the joint American-German Submersible campaigns in the Atlantic have effectively damaged the UK. Lots of people were demanding a new government, Removal of monarchy and Democracy serving as a side, however a lot is not most of the populace. Many were still holding onto preventing the UK's diminishing of their political and central dominance, the ones protesting believe this was due to the government-in-exiles and they want their influence to be severed or them to be incarcerated.

Julie had already kickstarted this, by enlightening (keyword: enlightening = Threatening) him to restore the UBF, but with more different changes such as a Democratic system and the establishment of constitutions rather than pure autocracy.

"Alright so we're pretty much set, all you need to do is-"

"Reds!" One of the sailors on the private vessel yelled as he pointed off ahead several Agents similar to those they fought off appeared, they all wielded British-made & Soviet-made Handguns.

"Get to the Ship!" Julie ordered

"I don't want anybody disturbing me when I spill blood!" She continued as she ran over to a crate and pulled out an extensively modified EM-2 Assault Rifle.

"She is not right in the mind..." Andrew uttered as both him and Josefina were assisted into the ship while Julie and a few other defending individuals exchanged fire with the Agents.

———Far-Eastern Siberia———

"Sweet Mother of Karl Marx! What is that thing?!" One soviet soldier yelled out in horror as he desperately operated a Four-gun Anti-air turret at one of several large objects that had just appeared over the airspace around their defensive command base.

The streams of projectiles spraying into the air at the objects, but what horrified them even more were their almost impossible manoeuvrability, their acceleration and sharp turns defy proven laws of of physics. It wasn't long before the enemy craft returned with their own gunfire.

A few of the craft were even armed with Five 75mm Guns each, the very same gun used in Sherman tanks, and B-25. They basically spun on their axis whilst firing their guns essentially providing damage concentrated into a single point or spread out, whilst they simultaneously reloaded.

In other words of a similar concept to the Da Vinci tank's way of firing (at-least in TABS)

They Eliminated a considerably a large number of their parked vehicles, Artillery, and Anti-air defences, and the defending soldiers choose to retreat back inside or desert at the hopeless situation.

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