Chapter 22 - Eve of the Divergence

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—The Soviet Federation—

"...Premier..." An informant of Vadim entered the office, where he was speaking with Andrey regarding their Prototypical-stage Jet Aircraft.

"Yes, What is it now." He asked, the informant didn't speak but e simply placed down a folder of the recently documented events in the early stages of the war.

Vadim had already prepared a large number of Forces to easily repel Operation Barbarossa and annex Iran for the Oil, So he didn't feel any problems. Until now.

"It's regarding one of our spies."

"Lemme guess... Gassed to death?" He nonchalantly said assuming he was captured.

"No... He returned with information that is both useful and worrying."

"Really? Show me..." Vadim said as he was handed the paper

"...What?" Vadim uttered, as he read the report.

-A Strange occurrence was witnessed by a spy, the occurrence had been conducted within the Western region of the Alps, Specifically Detonations and flashes of sorts. It has been initially theorized as a German Super-Weapon.

"What the F**k... Is this?!"

"Alternate History, Vadim."


"The Germans have likely tested a super-weapon or wunderaffe of some kind within the region, Me-262s were one thing that can be conceived quite easily, but a superweapon such as that was another. Remember When I found a small vault within Siberia which lead us to this point? It's likely they have done the same thing."

"Oh Great... how are we supposed deal with an actual deathshead?!"

"The Ridiculous technology according to the Wolfenstein Wiki first saw major use in 1944, we have the advantage of time. We already have a sufficient force to deal with their non-upgraded Wehrmacht, We have the numbers and we have the technology, those combined will allow us to topple over Germany just like in WW2, not mention our First Missiles are nearly in their prototypical stage."

"You are aware... That We will be labelled as the bad guys, if we attack first. I don't want my beloved Country to be labelled as Relentless aggressors, that should be reserved for America!"

"Vadim. It's the winners the write history, not the losers."


"Besides, the Germans are doing all they want everywhere in Europe. Most of the world will see them as the bad guys either way."

"Right... The, I suppose we should immediately mobilize from both sides, I want to have more forces concentrated on Europe, just send any suitable force against Japan."

"Not yet, Premier, we would need Oil."

"Well I guess, could Invade Iran by this point. And Should America declare war they wouldn't be much of a problem, our advancement and numbers already passed theirs, we would retaliate immediately and take Alaska. In that scenario."

"But... What about our industrial capacity."

"...Well, Germany is doing all they want around Europe, surely other countries such as Norway which has good oil will be willing for an invasion to occur. Once we knock Finland out of course."


"No objections? Alright... Make this be quick." He continued

"What about Japan? The US embargo hasn't occurred most likely due to their Reincarnators and they are also being supplied by the other Axis powers." Andrey said, still anxious.

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