Chapter 12: Calm before the storm

Start from the beginning

"Magallan. Sorry, I must have spaced out a bit." He says as he embarrassingly scratched his cheek. "The location you picked is quite mesmerizing to look at." He glances around the restaurant and sees all kinds of people eating and minding their own business.

"Really? I have a friend of mine who recommended this place, his name is Emperor." Magallan says with a giggle. "Come on Lee! The foods won't eat themselves!" She added and began eating.

Lee stared at her for a second. She wasn't wearing her work clothes. Instead, she wore a simple gray t-shirt and dark blue jeans. It really was just a simple outfit, but for some reasons she looked good in it.

'What are you even saying?!' He shakes his head to clear thoughts.

Magallan had finally invited him to dinner. For some reasons, when Lee told Blue Poison about it, she had a deadpan look on her face and nonchalantly cheered for him before closing the door of their bedroom. He thought to buy something for Blue Poison later.

"So Magallan, what made you want to be a field researcher?" Lee asks, trying his best to start a topic.

"Hmm, back when I was a child, I've always dreamed of exploring the uncharted territories of Terra. Especially the northern pole near the country of Sami."

"Is that so? That's amazing. Did you accomplished it?" Lee asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Not yet. That's why I signed a cooperative relationship with Rhodes Island in preparation for an expedition!" Magallan sighs and stares at her drink. "But I don't know if I'll accomplish that silly dream of mine." She lets out a sad smile. She suddenly remembers her childhood, a trip down to memory lane. The stinging words that others said to ridicule her left scars in her heart. She notices the atmosphere between them went gloomy after she went silent.

"Hehe, sorry about that. I ruined the-" but Magallan's sentence was cut off when she felt a warm hand enveloping hers.

"I believe you. I don't know what troubles you went through. But if it's you Magallan? I'm sure you'll accomplish that dream of yours." Lee smiled at her before retracting his hand. Hearing those words from him somehow left her all warm and fuzzy.

"Lee... *Chuckles*, honestly, you're so strange."

Whenever Magallan hears his comforting words, she feels like she could do anything. 'Seriously, this is getting out of hand.' she puts a hand on her head internally as she starts to sort out her feelings. Magallan steals glances at the enigmatic man across her and feels her curiosity towards him skyrocket.

After the awkwardness went away, the two of them started doing small, casual talks. They shared stories with each other and clearly had a good time. As soon as Lee and Magallan finished eating, they made their way out of the restaurant and went shopping to the nearby mall.

"Hey Magallan, I'll just buy some sweets there." Lee said and pointed at café selling sweets.

"Alright, I'll wait here!" She replied and sat down near the fountain.

Blue Poison has a sweet tooth, so as soon as Lee saw the café, he soon went to buy some.

The aroma inside was so sweet that one could almost taste it. What surprised him was the excessive amount of choices in the menu.

Milkshakes, chocolates, cookies and numerous other types of sweets are scattered in the menu. Lee soon found Blue Poison's favorite flavors in the menu, but even then, the types of delicacies is just simply numerous that he's having a hard time picking which blueberry flavored dessert Blue Poison want.

After deciding to buy a cake paired with a milk shake for Blue Poison, he also bought some for Magallan so she has something to eat while they walk back.

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