"Nope. They're man-candy." Addison says.

"Yeah, total eye candy," Evi agrees.

"Good." She starts coughing up blood. "Okay that is nasty."

"Her SAT's are in the 80's. I've got to get her oxygen. And I'm going to need a portable chest STAT!" Addison demands.

"I love you bossing. Boss more."


"Did Dr. Bailey see the chest x-ray?" Addison asks.

"No, but with the low pulse ox. and decreased breath sounds, she suspects Janelle will need a chest tube." Meredith says to Addison.

"I'm dabbing out freaking glass splinters, and she gets to do a chest tube?" Alex complains.

"You signed on for this." Mark reminds.

"This is not a good day for me. This is not a good day for me at all." Janelle grunts.

"The baby looks good, Janelle. Heart beat is strong. Do you want to call the father?" Addison asks.

"You could, but that would require me speaking to him, which I no longer do. Hearing he's a daddy from some random doctor might not go over so well." Janelle says

"So the father doesn't know?" Evi asks with furrowed brows.

"No, and he's never going to." Janelle states.

"Grey, can I speak with you?" Callie asks Meredith.

"I'm setting up a chest tube." Meredith says.

"I need to talk to you when you're done."

"I'll find you."

"You know I can suture. I've done it before." Alex says.

"When you've can do a z-plasty and barely see the scar, give me a call. Until then, dab and clean, dab and clean." Mark brushes him off.

"Welcome to plastics, Karev. Is it everything you've ever dreamed of?" Addison says.

"We're not doing a chest tube Grey." Bailey says entering the room.

"What's going on?" Addison asks.

"Ms. Duko. You have a shard of glass going into your heart." Bailey tells Janelle.


"You might want to consider leaving that alone until she goes into the OR." Mark comments.

"Yeah, about that, when's that going to happen? There's a large shard of glass in my heart you know." Janelle asks.

"You'd be surprised how long people can live with stuff inside their bodies." Evi says with a light tipped smile.

"Shrapnel, bullets..." Alex lists off.

"I saw a guy once with half a chair leg in his chest. That was one hell of a splinter." Mark says. Evi snorts.

"Can we focus here?" Janelle says.

"Janelle, it looks like we'll have the OR in a few hours." Addison says.

"So if I get hit by a car, get thrown through a window, have a big shard of glass in my heart, and my baby survives, that's pretty much a sign I should have this baby right? Even without a father?"

"Everyone has a father." Evi says.

"Not if she doesn't tell him." Mark says.

"You think I should tell him. Everyone says I'm wrong. He's scum and now I'm the bad guy cause I don't want him in my kid's life. Isn't that what you''re thinking?" Janelle asks.

"Janelle..." Addison trails off.

"It's just- if you had to opportunity to give your kid the ability to have both parents wouldn't you take it?" Evi asks.

"Jensen, this is none of your business okay?" Mark scolds.

"She asked!" Evi defends.

"He cheated on me." Janelle says.

"Makes him an ass, doesn't mean you have to be one. Mrs. Duko?" Alex says.

Janelle's breathing hard and monitors go off. "BP's 80/60." Evi reads off the machine.

"I'm getting muffled heart sounds. She's officially unstable. The OR can't wait. Alex, find Dr. Burke, and Bolus a litre of saline. I need a unit of blood. We've got to get her ready for transport people." Addison tells everyone sternly.


"I scrubbed in on a woman with a shard of glass going right to her heart!" Evi tells her mother excitedly.

"It was really cool, ma." Evi says sitting next to her mother.

"ga je kinderchirurg worden?" (Are you going to be a children's surgeon?")

"No." Evi says. "I'm gonna be a general surgeon or maybe even cardio." She tells her mother. "I'm leaning more towards general though."


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