Luckily their dorm didn't have any rule that confined students after 10 o'clock or something.

He came out of the building's front door as he saw Minho's figure sitting down on a bench by the road. He made his way over and sat down beside the older.

Minho looked up to see the face he had loved to look at. He frowned almost instantly though as he noticed the deranged look on the younger's face.

"What's wrong, Seungmo?" He asked with concern.

Seungmin sighed before leaning back in the bench, hands hidden inside the pockets of his warm jacket.

He was too focused on himself to notice the older sitting right beside him in a thin hoodie only in such a cold night.

"Hyung, I wanna tell you something." He mumbled.

"I'm all ears." Minho moved his body a bit to face the younger properly.

"I'm gay."

"No shit sherlock." Minho snorted seeing the shocked reaction on Seungmin's face.

"You knew!?"

Of course I did. Would I really fall for you this much without knowing your sexual preference?

Maybe he would have fallen either ways, but that didn't stop the connection he'd feel with the younger.

"Yeah, I could tell." He stated.

"Hyung, am I that obvious?"

Minho chuckled at the younger's obliviousness. "No, no, let's just say my gayder works perfectly fine." They both laughed at that.

Comfort settled in between the two males sitting in the coldness of the night, making Seungmin more at ease to open up.

"Hyung, my best friend told me today that he loves me." Seungmin started. "I didn't know how to reply so I asked him for some time. It's just too overwhelming for me as I've never been in a relationship before."

Minho nodded understandingly although his heart panged at the mention of the confession.

"Though I asked for time, I don't know how to reply him."

"If you asked for time from him, then it's true that you're contemplating on the choices, Seungmin." Minho let out in a soft tone after thinking for a minute. "Try to picture it. Do you see yourself happy with Hyunjin, tied in a bond that is way more than friendship?"

Seungmin glanced at Minho's face that had a sweet smile adorning it, glowing beautifully under the moonlight.

So you do have no feelings for me after all, hyung?

"I can I guess." Seungmin whispered despite having a still puzzled heart.

"Then follow your heart, Seungmin. If he's the one for you, don't let anything stop you."

Seungmin let out a deep sigh. He was confused but yet inside he suddenly felt so.. disappointed?

He forced upon a smile to match with the older in front of him.

"I will, hyung. Still I need some time before I accept him. I can do this." He said in a cheerful voice. "Enough about me, what did you want to talk about, hyung?"

"It's nothing important." Minho looked away. "I was just bored and needed to clear my head a bit is all."

They sat there in a comfortable silence for a while before Minho started speaking again.

"You should get inside now. It's quite late and cold too. Good luck with Hyunjin." He gave the younger one last hug, patting his back soothingly.

"Okay! You go home safe too. Bye bye!"

With that, he left.

Leaving Minho alone on the cold dark streets of the night.

With a heart shaking more than the freezing body.

"I accept all your proposals."

Loving You is A Losing Game || 2min & Minsung✔Where stories live. Discover now