I nodded, "okay." And with that I hugged her and she helped me take my bags down to my car. "I'll text you when I make it." I said as I got into the car. I closed my door and turned on the engine before I rolled my window down, "Alpha ordered me to drive safe and text when I made it...but didn't specify who I needed to text."

She smirked and shook her head. "Only you would poke at a hornets nest Mo."


"I can't believe you're here." Tommy said for what felt like the hundredth time as he just hugged me.

I relished being in his arms, held against his chest, my head buried into his neck, as his wonderful scent became so familiar to me now...my goddess did he smell divine.

I hope he didn't notice when I squeezed my thighs together because the Moon goddess divine herself was making this mans scent do things to me...

'He's perfect and he's ours.'

"Mhmm." I nearly groaned.

He chuckled and pulled back ever so slightly, enough so I could look up at him and meet his eye.

I resisted the urge to step in, once again and kiss him.


We'd expressly talked about how our pairing would go...physically. We both agreed we wanted things to move as organically as possible. Both of us were in agreement that hand holding and hugs were fine, and while I said kisses he said he didn't want to plan the kisses and just let them happen.

And as he is a handful of inches taller than me (since I've always been on the taller side) there would be no "trying" to kiss him, I simply would...but again I wouldn't kiss him first. Mostly because he's felt like he wanted things to be natural and I feel like with me kissing him I was sort of enforcing it...maybe he'd feel rushed...I'd not know.

Plus, from everything I've read and seen in real life and in books, guys always kiss the girls first...right?

So it was going to be up to him when he kissed me...I was fine with right the hell now if he wanted that...please and thank you, but he simply raised his hands and cupped my face before his thumbs stroked my cheeks ever so gently.

"I am so lucky." He said in awe.

I damn near melted.

"You...I get you as my mate so I'd say I'm the lucky one here cutie."

He actually scrunched his nose (adorably) in distaste for the nickname.

I laughed, "I'll keep working on it."

"Thank you." He said and finally let go of my face and took my hand to lead us to the small sofa in the room Luna Harper had showed me to earlier.

As soon as I arrived I got to their pack house, Luna Harper and Alpha Braxton greeted me before they gave me a small tour of the pack house itself and then Alpha Braxton excused himself.

Luna Harper had given me the room and I thanked her and told her how excited I was looking forward to tomorrow, thankfully she didn't linger because immediately after she left I text Tommy and Zoe the same message: Made it safe, I'm at the pack house now. It didn't even take Tommy five minutes to arrive after that and he found me in my room for the weekend. We've been up here every since.

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