"How old are you?"


"Any hobbies?"

"Football, singing, drawing. Stuff like that." She got bored of talking to me and went down to the canteen with Dad and Flynn.

"Listen." Mase said. "I know I barely know that women but there's something sketchy about her." He looked at me for my reaction.

"Couldn't agree more."

"She wants something. I just can't tell what."

"What do you reckon?"

"Don't mean to sound rude but I think she's trying to get rid of you."

"So do I. What's the plan?"

"Plan? I hadn't thought that far ahead. Maybe you should speak to Flynn."

"Do you reckon you could get him to come up here without his mum?"

"I'll try." Mason went downstairs and I got a text from him.


Annie came in and spoke nicely to me.

"Of course I can shut the door my darling." I hadn't even said anything. She closed the door so no one could hear what was going on. I recorded everything. "What's your deal?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm warning you now girly. As soon as I move back in with your father, which is tomorrow by the way, I'm shipping you off to Mexico."

"Mexico!? Why?"

"So I can sell you for a lot of money. And get paid regularly for you." She grabbed my hand where I had my phone recording. "You won't be needing this." She deleted the recording. "I'm not that stupid." She smirked at me. "And if you dare tell any of your little football friends, there'll be trouble. Now smile. The others are coming." The others came through the doors and I smiled widely.

"Nice to see you two getting on so well!" Dad said.

"So well!"

"We've even arranged a trip! We're leaving in the morning." Annie laughed.

"That's great!" Dad replied.

"The doctors said we can go now." Flynn said. Dad, Annie and Flynn went in Annie's car and I went with Mason.

"Are you sure about going with her?" Mase asked. I thought about what she said and fake smiled.

"Of course I am Mase. I'll be fine." We sat in silence most of the journey and we pulled up outside my dads house.

"I'm really gonna miss you ya know?" Mase said with a tear in his eye.

"I'm really gonna miss you too. You'll be fine without me. Just promise me you won't forget me?"

"Of course I won't. How long are you going for?"

"A while. But you'll see me again." I hoped. I gave him a long gentle kiss and went inside without him.

"Excited for your trip?" Flynn asked me.

"Yeah. It's gonna be great." He gave me a hug and I went up to my room. Annie came in and shut the door.

"Don't bother packing much. There's some stuff that I've gotta buy you especially for what you're gonna do."

"Like what?"

"You'll find out." She smirked at me and left the room. I fell asleep and Annie woke me up at 2am. "Come on bitch. We're leaving." I went downstairs and dad and Flynn were up to say goodbye. Dad hugged me first.

"Have a good time kiddo. I'll see you soon." Dad and Annie were saying goodbye to each other and Flynn looked at me with tears in his eyes. He pulled me into a big bear hug and whispered in my ear.

"If you need anything just call me. I'll be there as soon as you need me." I nodded and Annie led me out to the car. Dad and Flynn were waving from the front door and we drove away.

"Can you tell me now?" I muttered.

"No. Wait until we get there."

We got on the plane and arrived in Mexico. We drove to a studio and went up to the front desk.

"Hi I'm Lillia. How can I help you?"

"I have a dark studio reserved for Annie Parker."

"Right this way." The women led us to a studio and gave Annie a key. The women left and Annie opened the door and shoved me in. She came in too and locked the door. There was a pole in the middle of the room on a platform and a red circular sofa around it with a gap to get in and sit down. The entire room was surrounded by soundproof material.

"There's a changing room over there. There's a bag with something for you to put on. Wear it all. Or you'll regret it."

I went into the little changing room and there was a small duffel bag. I opened it to find some stuff. I got undressed and had a look on the bag again. There was a miniature thong and I put it on. There was a bra with miniature cups on it and I put that on. There was a thin white t-shirt and I put that on and a pair of mini denim shorts. I called through to Annie.

"Is this it?"

"There's 4 items. Did you put them all on?"


"Then come out here." I walked out and I saw Annie biting her lip. She had gotten changed into something a little similar to me. "Go and stand on the platform."

*smut warning next chapter*

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