Marcus Told Me

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~y/n's POV~

"Told you what?" I asked.

"He told me what Luka said. That you played 'pretty' good' for' a' girl."

"Yeah that hurt a bit but I'm used to it by now."

"What do you mean?"

"When I was in primary school it was great. Nobody judged me. All the lads wanted me to play footy with them all the time. High school came around and everyone tells you want a girl SHOULD do and who a girl SHOULD be and how a girl SHOULD act so I stopped playing. I've never told anyone but I attempted suicide because of it."

"You've attempted?"

"Yeah. A few times actually."

"How old were you?"

"12. Maybe just 13."

"Jeez. Continue."

"The summer between Year 11 and collage I was speaking to a guy. He said to me 'Football is a mans sport.' So I turned around, dumped his ass, kicked him in the balls and said 'Guess I'm a man now then'." Mase smiled.

"That's my girl." We both laughed. My girl? What does that mean? "Well I'm glad you started playing again."

"Yeah. Me too."

"I still really sorry about Declan. He loves Love Island and he'd do anything for a bit of drama like that."

"We! He watches Love Island?"

"Yep. He's a mega simp for it all."

"Gross!" Dad came up onto the pitch with the other lads.

"Training. Let's go!" We trained for a couple of hours. "You can all go in the pool now." Dad pulled me aside. "You didn't hear this from me but there's a load of water balloons in the supply cupboard." I nodded and went to get changed. I put on my swimsuit but I didn't feel too comfortable wearing just that so I put a cover-up over the top. I walked down to the pool and everyone was down there already. I told Phil about the water balloons and he went to get them. Everyone was in the pool and Mase, Chilly and Reece were sitting on the side. I went and sat with them.

"You not getting in?" Chilly asked.

"Nah. I'm alright." Reece and Chilly got in and Mason looked at me funny. "What?"

"Nothing!" He grinned. "You're just so pretty." I couldn't help but smile. "You getting in then or what?"

"Alright. I'm coming." I took off my cover-up and got in. We were all throwing water balloons and we all ganged up on Mason and Jack. I got out, grabbed my camera and started filming them. <"Whats going on lads?">

<"They ganged up on us so we created a wall. A shield, a shield."> Mase said.

<"Shield"> Jack repeated. We were all laughing away. I watched 8 of them play volleyball and Declan walked in with a black eye. He came and sat next to me.

"What do you want?"

"To apologise. I'm sorry for making stuff up about you and Jack."

"I'm sorry too."

"What for?"

"Punching you in the face."

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