Chapter 52

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Xander and Alexa insisted that they wanted to see their mother

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Xander and Alexa insisted that they wanted to see their mother. Justin tried to stop them saying that they didn't need to see her in that condition but the two of them went ahead anyway. The others stayed behind. The doctors were running different tests on Diana and a crowded room would be distracting.

Maddy would have opted to stay outside the room where Diana was being kept anyway. She hated hospitals in general and usually stayed away from them until absolute necessary. It was ironic considering the fact that her mother was a doctor. Now that she thought about it, it was probably because her mother was a doctor that she hated going to hospitals. When she was younger, she would visit the hospital at times with her mother. There she saw patients who were practically at death's doorstep and were gasping for air and help. Seeing people like that made Maddy want to not see things like that rather than seeing things like that and not being able to do anything.

Maddy made her way to her house. Just as she was about to enter her house, she remembered something. The boss had escaped right after that bright light exploded. Who had caused that bright light? Another rogue must have helped him from outside the prison and cast some faerie magic. Maddy decided to talk to Noah and ask him if he had seen any rogues, especially one who was doing faerie magic.

The house where Noah was staying was close to Maddy's. Noah was going to leave in a few days so he was given a temporary guest house. Maddy knocked his door and waited. When no one answered, she assumed that Noah wasn't inside, but then she heard a loud thump. Frowning, Maddy knocked once again.

"Noah, are in there?" she asked loudly.

Another thump. Frowning, Maddy twisted the handle of the door to Noah's house. The door swung open and Maddy's eyes fell to the figure on the floor.

Noah was lying in an awkward position with his hand and legs tied behind his back and gag on his mouth. "What the hell?" Maddy muttered.

She quickly scanned the room for any clues of who did that. It seemed to be normal. No signs of struggle, and if Noah hadn't been tied up and gagged, Maddy wouldn't have noticed anything out of ordinary.

Maddy rushed to Noah and tried untying his hands and legs. The rope was too tight for Maddy to untie so she took out her dagger. After instructing Noah to be still, she slowly cut through the rope. Once Noah's hands were free, Maddy started cutting through the rope tying his leg while Noah used his hand to untie the gag.

"Thank god," Noah said when he took off his gag and then broke into a fit of coughs. "Would not recommend being gagged. One star out of five."

Maddy let out a worried chuckle and got Noah a glass of water and helped him sit up. Once she had given him enough time to recover, she started asking him questions.

"What happened here?"

Noah shrugged. "I don't know. One minute I'm peacefully sleeping at night and the next, I'm pulled out of my bed and tied by an evil Elsa."

"Evil Elsa?" Maddy asked confused.

"Yeah. That the girl who kidnapped me. She had silver hair that literally glowed in the dark but she didn't look old and neither did she move like she was weak and she wore a blue dress."

Maddy stilled. "The person who kidnapped you looked like Elsa?"

"Yeah. My life just gets weirder and weirder. I mean, I just got attacked by a Disney princess," Noah said as he rubbed his wrists where there were red, angry marks because of the rope biting into his skin.

Maddy bit her lip as her brain swirled with thoughts. There was only person Maddy had met before who gave Elsa vibes. If that was indeed the person, all the werewolves were in deep trouble.

"Do you know if this woman was a human not?"

"Most probably not a human. After tying me up, she snarled and said something about pathetic humans."

Suddenly Maddy stilled. "The woman assaulted you when you were sleeping today night, right?"

When Noah nodded, Maddy paled. "Then who did I speak to this morning?"

"You talked to me this morning? That definitely wasn't me."

"It was an illusion," Maddy said as she started pacing in the room.

There was only one person who fit the description of Noah's assaulter-Tatiana, the queen of faeries. Maddy too thought that she gave Elsa vibes which was why the moment Noah mentioned Elsa, Maddy's mind immediately went to Tatiana. After tying Noah up, she must have put an illusion on herself and acted as Noah throughout the day. It would also explain how the invisible prison suddenly disappeared when the bright light exploded. That must have been Tatiana breaking the prison. A faerie queen would definitely know how to break a faerie spell.

"Maddy? You there?" Noah called out.


"You zoned out for a bit."

Maddy bit her lip. "I was just thinking about what you said. I might know who tied you up and if it is who I think it is, we have a bucket full of trouble coming our way." 


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