Chapter 13

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Once the meeting was over, everyone started exiting the room

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Once the meeting was over, everyone started exiting the room.

"If you guys can smell all the rogues, how is it that they are able to stay in California?" Maddy asked Leia. "You can just sniff all around and kick them out."

"First of all," Xander said as he walked along with Alexa and Jeremy towards them from behind. "It is quite impossible to sniff all around California. Second of all, Amalthea Pack's authority isn't under California only. California is the stronghold but we are also spread out across the areas near California. There is a reason this place is called the headquarters. We have pack members spread all over California and around. Third of all, nearly all places on the earth fall under some or the other pack's authority. The rogues wouldn't have anywhere to stay if they couldn't enter pack lands. That is why a rule was made. Rogues would be allowed to stay in pack lands as long as they didn't enter the headquarters."

"Wow," Maddy said. "You are telling me that you have more than hundred members. That's like a really high number."

"Nearly all packs have similar numbers. Boy, you have so much to learn which reminds me, dad wanted you to read the werewolves' rule book," Alexa said with a sly smile.

"Yeah, I'll give you my copy." Xander grinned "I think I still have it lying around somewhere from when I learnt it back at school."

"What's so funny?" Maddy asked with narrowed eyes. The twins were grinning way too much and that made Maddy suspicious.

Jeremy was about to open his mouth when Leia nudged him. "Nothing really, it just brings back memories. You will have to finish reading the book before you join the pack so you might as well start off now."

The five of them went to Xander and Alexa's house and Xander immediately started searching his house for the book. Maddy didn't want to read the book but since it was a necessity, she agreed to read it. After all, how bad could it be? At the maximum, it will have a few pages of rules written and she would just have to go through them. Besides, learning about werewolves couldn't be that bad, right?

The moment Maddy saw the book, she groaned. It was about two inches thick. Now, if it was a storybook, Maddy would have considered the book to be small but for a rulebook, that book was huge.

When Maddy saw the cover, she was rendered speechless. There was a cartoon picture of a boy werewolf who was smiling and waving. The title 'The Werewolf Ways with William' was in bold colors and in some kiddish font.

"This is a kid's book," Maddy stated as she flipped through the pages. The pages had huge colorful pictures like all typical children's books. The story was about William who kept on making mistakes and his mother kept telling him about the different rules. Maddy was sure that if all the rules were just compiled instead of being spread over several pages, they would fit in one page itself.

"Don't you have a compiled version?"

"Nope," Xander said with a grin. "You have to go through the entire book."

"All the werewolves who are in our pack learnt all this when they were young and since children like more pictures and less words, this book was published and distributed to all the different packs," Jeremy explained

"Great," Maddy mumbled as she grabbed the book.

Now that the talk about books was done with, Maddy returned her attention to Sophia's sudden disappearance. Something about the way Leia was acting was extremely suspicious. Maddy wouldn't put it past Leia to just tell Maddy that Sophia ran away just to make sure that Maddy didn't feel hurt.

"So," Maddy said, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Leia told me that Sophia ran away all of a sudden."

All four werewolves froze. Maddy raised her eyebrow, her theory of things being suspicious, confirmed.

"Uhm..." Xander started, clearly at a loss of words.

"I have told you everything we know," Leia interjected. "She ran away and used the sudden rogue attack as a distraction. We don't know why she did it. She just did."

Maddy was about to ask something but Alexa suddenly brought some Uno cards out of thin air. "Let's play Uno."

Maddy let them change the topic. They were clearly reluctant to share any information but Maddy trusted them enough to know that they probably had a reason to hide things from her.

The five of them played Uno until it was time for lunch. Maddy took her time eating her lunch. She hardly was able to eat anything during breakfast so she had been extremely hungry. After lunch, Maddy went back to her house and sat on her bed with a notebook and started writing down all the unanswered questions that she had regarding the boss that she could think of. If the Beta could answer any of those questions, it would be of great help.

Maddy spent half an hour thinking and writing down various questions. At the end, she came up with seven questions-

1. Who is the boss?

2. What is the motive of the boss?

3. From where does he get all the money?

4. From where did tooth-necklace lady get all the faerie spells?

5. Does the boss have other scientists working on how to kill werewolves?

6. Are there any more safehouses that the boss owns?

7. Why did Xander have trouble shifting? Did tooth-necklace lady spell him when he was at the safehouse?

Maddy took the notebook and kept it safely so that she could use it that evening. Justin informed Maddy that they would re-interrogating the Beta at the evening at around seven and he personally asked Maddy to tag along. Maddy was extremely happy that Justin actually asked her for help unlike the other times when he only wanted Xander to help. She was determined to do her best and impress the Alpha. Hence, the organized way of writing down the questions.

For the rest of her free time, Maddy spent it reading the book that Xander had given her. Maddy nearly fell asleep about two times and actually fell asleep once, but by the time it was seven in the evening, Maddy managed to finish one fourth the book and also take a two-hour nap. 

A/N: What do you think is the mystery regarding Sophia about?

A/N: What do you think is the mystery regarding Sophia about?

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