Chapter 4

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Maddy's jaw dropped

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Maddy's jaw dropped. "Katie is the future Delta?"

"Yup," Xander said as he grinned at Maddy's shock.

"Wow. I am sure you all will love working alongside her," Maddy said dryly.

"Actually, she isn't as bad as you think she is. She just dislikes you because you're a human. She has a strange hatred towards humans, so it is not really your fault."

"Could have fooled me."

As the two of them kept on talking, a thought occurred to Maddy. "Diana is an as dominant as your dad?" Maddy asked with shock.

Diana, Xander's mother, was one of the sweetest people Maddy had met so far. She was like the werewolf version of Molly Weasley. Then again, Molly went all 'Not my daughter, you b*tch' in the last book so Maddy could understand what Xander was saying.

Xander raised an eyebrow with amusement at Maddy's shock. "Yeah. As I said before, it isn't necessary for werewolves to show how dominant they are all the time. As long as you can take the lead when the need arises, you are a fit leader. Dad prefers to serious and intimidating like an Alpha all the time. That is his choice. Mom likes to bake cookies in her free time. That is her choice. I like to annoy you with pick-up lines in my free time. That is my choice."

Maddy rolled her eyes on hearing the last two sentences. They were having a perfectly serious talk just moment ago, but of course, Xander had to ruin the sober atmosphere by cracking a joke.

"You should have seen mom when Alexa and I broke some plates in the kitchen by mistake," Xander said, chuckling. "I nearly peed my pants. Alexa definitely did pee her pants."

"I definitely didn't pee my pants," Alexa protested loudly from the seat in front of Maddy, which earned a lot of weird looks from the other passengers on board.

"Are you three seriously listening in on our conversation?" Maddy hissed as she leaned forward and spoke to the three seats in front of her.

"No," Alexa and Leia answered back while Jeremy remained quiet.

Maddy groaned and leaned back on her seat. It was bad enough that Xander was going to know who his mate was by the end of the day. With Leia and Alexa setting her up like that, Maddy would just get more attached to Xander and it would hurt her more to see Xander with someone else.

For the rest of the fight, Maddy and Xander spent their time talking about werewolves. Maddy learnt many new things, like how werewolves aged slower than humans which meant that in the future, Maddy would look like an old grandma and the others would still look like they were in their fifties. That was so not fair.

By the time they reached California, it was noon, but because of the massive jet lag, Maddy was dead on her feet. Combined with the drowsy effect of the faerie medicine, Maddy was practically sleeping while walking out of the plane. She tried to sleep during the flight, but she wasn't able to catch enough rest.

Justin and Tristan, the Alphas of the Amalthea Pack and Callisto Pack, were waiting for them at the airport along with Diana, the Luna of the Amalthea Pack. Maddy brightened up when she saw them. The moment Tristan's eyes fell on Leia, he rushed forward and hugged her tight.

From the corner of her eye, Maddy could see the Alpha talking with Jeremy and Alexa while Diana was animatedly telling Xander something, with her hands moving rapidly. If Maddy had to guess, Diana was probably telling Xander about his mate.

Once Tristan finished making sure that Leia wasn't harmed at all, Tristan turned his gaze on Maddy. Maddy smiled sheepishly as Tristan narrowed his eyes. He had specifically told Maddy to not put herself in danger. She was just supposed to find out where Leia was being kept, not actually go and rescue her. Also, she was definitely not supposed to do that all alone. Not only had Maddy disobeyed direct orders from two Alphas and a future Alpha, she had also managed to get herself shot twice.

"Hey," Maddy said as she smothered a yawn.

Tristan grab hold of her and hugged her. Maddy was squished against Leia and Tristan in an awkward group hug. When they pulled back, Tristan's eyes scanned Maddy for any signs indicating that she was hurt.

When he found none, he pinned his eyes on Maddy. "You, young lady, are in a lot of trouble."

Maddy held her hands up defensively. "At least, no one is hurt. Things could have been worse. I could have been killed or the others could have come to help me only to get ambushed by the humans."

"If you think that is supposed to make me feel better, you couldn't have been more wrong," Tristan said dryly.

"Perhaps we should talk about this later," Alexa suggested as she interrupted the conversation. "We all are tired because of the jetlag. The scolding-Maddy-for-jumping-into-trouble conversation can be held later."

With that, the luggage was piled into the big jeep that the Alphas had brought. As they drove back to the headquarters of the Amalthea pack, Maddy leaned back and closed her eyes. The ride would take quite some time since the headquarters was far away from the airport. Werewolves preferred to live near nature and away from other civilizations. Not even the thought of Xander taking pictures of her while she was sleeping could stop Maddy from falling asleep. 


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