Chapter 8

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The next day, Maddy was called to Xander's house by the Alpha of the Amalthea Pack

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The next day, Maddy was called to Xander's house by the Alpha of the Amalthea Pack. After finishing her breakfast, she made her way to Xander's house, confused as to why she was called.

When she reached the house, she saw that the house was silent. At first, she thought that this was one of Xander or Alexa's pranks and they were going to suddenly pounce on her, but when she saw the two figures sitting on the sofa in the living room, Maddy knew that it was going to be a long day.

"Hey," she said politely. "You called?"

"All of us know very well why you were called here," Tristan said as he gestured at the sofa in front of him and Justin.

Maddy groaned and sat down. With the entire pack being so excited about the announcement of Xander's mate, Maddy had hoped that Tristan and Justin had forgotten all about her little adventure in the laboratory. Clearly, luck wasn't on her side.

"Look, I know what I did was extremely dangerous but I had no choice," Maddy tried to explain herself. "You ordered us to not put ourselves in danger so the others couldn't help me in rescuing Leia. I am not part of the pack so the orders didn't affect me."

"You could have just stayed put and waited for a team of experienced werewolves take care of the matter," Justin pointed out.

"I initially went just to scout the place. I didn't plan on breaking in but then I saw the way the werewolves were treated. They were caged in silver cages and they were so starved that you could practically see their ribs. I couldn't leave them there."

Justin and Tristan both winced when Maddy mentioned silver cages. The two of them exchanged looks before Justin spoke up. "You did an amazing job, or rather amaztastic job as Alexa would say. However, it was extremely dangerous. When you join my pack, I'll be able to properly keep you safe but until then, refrain from putting yourself in danger."

Tristan immediately snapped his head towards Justin. "Join your pack? If she is joining any pack, it should be mine!"

Justin shrugged. "I asked her first. Besides, all her friends are in my pack."

"Absolutely not!" Tristan protested. "One of my daughters has already joined your pack. The other is one is going to join my pack. Her house and everything is near my pack. She will join my pack."

Maddy leapt up the moment she saw both their eyes darken. The full moon was near and Maddy did not want a dominance battle to start like the last time. It had ended in a disaster and only Diana's interruption had stopped the fight. Desperately, she tried to bring the attention towards herself. "Did you know that the scientist who bought the werewolves was working under the boss?"

That got their attention. Justin leaned forward with interest. "Tell me everything that you know."

Maddy quickly told them the whole story. Starting with the Dekart Mark business card, she told them about how they were made to play games by the faeries, how she snuck into the laboratory and how she managed to get shot twice. Once she finished, she was out of breath and her mouth felt extremely dry.

"Can I have some water?" Maddy asked as she cleared her throat.

Justin got up to get her some water while Tristan sat back with a thoughtful expression on his face. "So, the professor was working for the boss?"

Maddy nodded. "Yeah. Mostly. Like ninety percent sure."

At that time, Justin came back with a glass of water. Maddy thanked him and sipped the water slowly.

"Do you know if he has any other ventures?"

Maddy shook her head. "No idea. The house is currently in ashes so we don't have any chances of knowing either."

"We have again reached a dead end," Justin growled with frustration as he clenched his fingers. "The Beta doesn't know a damn thing about the boss. How are we supposed to defeat this boss if he doesn't even show his face like a coward?"

"It is either cowardly or extremely smart. An enemy who is unknown is always harder to defeat because we don't know his or her weaknesses or motives," Maddy pointed out.

The two Alphas agreed but before they could say anything else, Diana hurriedly walked into the room. "The Megaclite Alpha will reach here shortly. His flight landed about an hour ago."

"I'll discuss this with Bruce as well. Since he has resolved his inner pack issues, he should be able to help now," Justin said as he got up.

Maddy nodded and rushed outside to meet up with the rest of the group. She found them along with the rest of the pack, waiting for the Megaclite Alpha to arrive. Since the full moon was near, Justin had invited Bruce to his headquarters. Bruce was arriving with Sophia and some of his main pack members and the entire pack was waiting to give them a warm welcome.

Maddy wove through the crowd until she stood next to Leia. Standing on her tippy toes, Maddy tried to look above the heads of several people. Of course, it was of no use since the werewolves were extremely tall.

Leia grabbed Maddy's hand and started moving to the front of the crowd. Once they reached the front, Leia started walking towards where her dad was standing. It took Maddy one glance to realize that she was standing with the VIPs. Along with Tristan and Leia stood Justin and his family, the Beta of the Amalthea Pack and his family, and Jeremy, the future Beta of the Amalthea Pack.

They reached just in time because at that moment, three jeeps entered the headquarters and stopped.

"Why am I standing with the Alphas and Betas?" Maddy hissed at Leia as she tried to step back and blend in with the rest of the crowd.

Leila, however, kept a tight grip on Maddy. "Because you are part of this. Now stand straight and look confident."

Maddy felt awkward and out of place standing among Alphas and Betas but she couldn't move since the Alpha of the Megaclite Pack was already walking towards them.

The Alpha had a friendly, boyish face and a huge grin on his face. Upon reaching them, he pulled Justin into a man hug and then he proceeded to pull Tristan into a hug too. The Alpha was huge with bulky muscles but it was hard to imagine him as someone intimidating because of the infectious grin on his face. Maddy took an immediate liking to him.

Bruce politely thanked Diana, then firmly shook hands with Xander. One by one, he greeted everyone until his eyes stopped on Maddy.

"I didn't know that Tristan had a second daughter." 


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