Chapter 11: Lies and Alibis

Start from the beginning

'It seems I'll have to spill everything right here.'

"Lab equipment and stuff related to medical research. I've procured almost all of them, except one. Maybe I'll have it on me by Sunday." Silence said and looked at her watch. It was already 1:30 in the morning. 'I need to wrap things up quickly.'

Lee, seemingly reading her mind, asked another question. "Last question Silence, since you seem to want to sleep already. Where and when are you meeting with Ferdinand?"

"Why would you want to know?" Silence asked, wondering how he reads her actions. 'Was I that obvious?'.

"Because I'll be coming with you that time, whether you like it or not." Lee said and turned around. "Rest well Dr. Silence." He said and waved his hand without looking back.

Silence stood there in, well, silence. She stared at his disappearing figure as he walks away from her. After gathering her thoughts, she started walking in the opposite direction.

'That was intense. I was right, as well as Magallan. Lee really is something else.'  She sighs and finally reaches her room.



Blue Poison slowly wakes up as she feels a warm hand shaking her shoulders.

"...Hnn~.." She squints her eyes as she feels the faint glow of sunlight peeks through the curtains.

"Blue Poison, wake up." She hears Lee's voice and her vision focuses on his face. He was crouching beside her bed and was tapping her shoulders. She slowly sits up and rubs her eyes.

"Good morning sleepy head. You'll be late for your mission." Lee said and smiled at her. Such a warm smile coming from him early in the morning somehow made her heart skip a beat.

"G-Good morning Lee. Did I overslept?" She asked while hugging a pillow close to her chest. Luckily, he didn't notice the faint blush forming on her cheeks.

"You still have twenty minutes to prepare. I've already cooked breakfast for you so you'll only have to shower."

'Honestly, he's so reliable.'

"I see. Thanks for waking me up Lee." She says and stands up. She stretches her back and made her way to the kitchen. Lee plopped down on the couch in the living room. He was watching a documentary about the country of Sargon. She sits on a chair in the dining room and stared at her plate.

It was a grilled steak with spicy coating. There was also an apple juice served beside it.

"Wow... Thanks for the meal Lee." She says after finishing her food. It felt like she was eating in a five star restaurant. Lee was a greater cook than she was.

"Welcome. Go take a bath now."

"Alright mister." She giggled and made her way to the bathroom.


After Blue Poison finished showering, she went to the bedroom and grabbed her weapon and made her way out the door. Today was her escort duty, and she was escorting Dr. Silence. Luckily, they're assigned near downtown Lungmen.

"See you later Lee." Blue Poison smiled and waved her hand.

"Yeah. Stay vigilant, okay?" He said and waved back.

Lee and Silence locked eyes for a moment before Blue Poison closed the door. Now that he's alone, he looks around the room, thinking what he should do. He went to the sink and washed the dishes. After a few minutes, he was laying down again on the couch.

"This is boring, might as well take a stroll." He sighed and heaves himself up. He switches to a gray undershirt and pants.

He closed the door behind him and was about to leave when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Frowning slightly, he took it out and began walking towards the elevator. He stared at the caller and clicked his teeth.

It was Kalt'sit.

"Speak." He says as the elevator descends.

'Hello Lee.' The caller's voice sounded stern. 'How's the escorting going?'

"Not as smooth as I thought it would be, Dr. Kalt'sit." Lee replied as the elevator doors opened.

'I've heard about what happened from Andreanna. The mission will now only last for a week, because you've been wounded .' Kalt'sit said.

Lee made his way out of the LGD headquarters and headed to a park in uptown Lungmen.

"Is that really the case?" Lee coys her. "Or is it something that the escort team wasn't briefed about?"

'...' There was a moment of silence after that. '... So you know.'

"Yes, an anonymous sender informed me. I'm guessing by your response, this is really the plan all along." Lee sits down on the bench beneath a large tree and looks up to the sky.

'I thought we were the only ones who knew about this. Interesting...' Kalt'sit responds and Lee hears clicking noises, probably from a keyboard.

"I'll have you know, I hate being lied about. What if something happened to Silence while she was out sneaking in the middle of the night?" He argues.

'We always have LGD officers disguised as civilians following her. But yes, I'm sorry for not telling you.' She added, her voice now sounding soft and sincere.

'*Sigh*, just now, she sounded like a normal girl. *Chuckles*, how troublesome.' He stays in silence for a moment, pondering what to say next.

'Lee? You didn't left me hanging now, did you?'  Kalt'sit said, returning to her usual stern voice.

"Ahem, I just spaced out for a moment. Well, since you sounded so sincere just now, I'll let this one slip." Lee said.

'I didn't know you were the type to forgive someone that easy.'  Kalt'sit replied.

"I forgave you that easily because you're my superior. But let me say this clear, as a reminder Dr. Kalt'sit." He said with a serious voice. "If you decide to hide the truth from me again in the near future, who knows what I'll do to Rhodes Island."

'.....'  Kalt'sit went silent after that. He could hear her breathing, but no response came out. He didn't want to sound like he was threatening her, but it should make her think twice before using him as a pawn.

"Goodbye Dr. Kalt'sit, and thanks for the little chat." He says before cutting off the connection. He stands up and stretches his back, before glancing at a fancy looking restaurant in the distance.

"Now then. Let's grab a bite." Lee mutters under his breath and began walking to the jam packed streets of uptown Lungmen.

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