I am here to Serve....

Start from the beginning

"Is everything okay here, Kong"

I asked, concerned

The dark-haired man turned and looked at me as if I were something on the bottom of his shoe.

"Yes, everything’s okay"

he spat

"Just go on about your work and leave us alone"

I looked at Kong who seemed to be folding in on himself. I didn’t give a damn about this other guy. It was obvious that he intimidated Kong, but I wasn’t about to let him affect me like that

"Kong ??"

He quickly looked at me, his eyes pleading, and nodded his head

"Yeah, Arthit, everything’s fine"

"Okay, but if you need anything, just yell"

I felt like I was speaking to him in code, but he just closed his eyes and lowered his head again. I didn’t like what was going on one bit and didn’t realize I hadn’t moved an inch and was still standing next to the table staring at the beautiful, sad man in front of me.

"Do you not understand, waiter boy ?? He said he’s fine, so be on your way"

"It’s okay, Oon. Please go back to work. I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me"

My heart warmed a little hearing Kong using my nick name, but that joy was short-lived when the asshole spoke up again.

"Oon ?? You two seem pretty chummy, Kong. Are you fucking him ??"

My jaw dropped and my fists clenched at my sides.


Kong whisper-yelled.

"Yeah right....right, You’re just a slut that’s so damn eager to have cock in his mouth or ass"

I watched as Kong flinched and said softly

"I am not a slut, Sam"

Oh, so the bastard’s name is Sam

Suddenly Kong looked up at me, surprised to see me still standing there. His eyes were glassy and ashamed and I wanted nothing more than to pull him into my arms and get him away from this obviously abusive prick who was hell bent on breaking him down.

"Go, Arthit. Please"

I was about to open my mouth when he cut me off.


Not wanting to cause him additional distress, I nodded my head, slowly stepped away from the table and went into the kitchen. When I walked out again, Alice grabbed me by the arm.

"Arthit, what’s going on ?? That guy is such an asshole. Why is he treating Kong like that ??"

A lump formed in my throat because I felt so helpless. There was nothing I could do because Kong didn’t want my help. All I could do was sit back and watch the tragic scene unfold before me and pray this didn’t break Kong for good. I could tell he and Sam had a history and it obviously consisted of Kong being treated like shit on a regular basis.

"I don’t know, Alice. I tried to help, but he won’t let me"

"Well, I am keeping an eye on them. I am ready to call the police if need be"


I whispered

Needing to distract myself, I started to look at the previous day's bill entries, but my eyes continued to go back to Kong. Their conversation seemed to be getting more heated with each passing minute and I felt like I was about to jump out of my skin. Kong still looked like a kicked puppy, but every once in a while he would get a word in.

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