Chapter 32

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(2 weeks later)

I sat back as Minnie just got done checking out Vinchi.

Vinchi was in a coma after losing so much blood. King was almost there with him but he managed to pull through, along with Kiara.

Minnie, or Khalisè was the one making sure that they were okay. She was like a doctor to them.

"Okay so." I started off saying, even tho I know he can't respond. "Still no word back about Cortez, Jasmine and Angel. Nobody has seen them around town."

After everything got situated, we realized that we never got rid of Angel, Jasmine and Cortez even tho Cortez could be dead because Malik shot him in his back.

"Everything about you is fine. You're doing a lot better than when you first got here." I said, sitting back. "All you have to do is wake up."

I waited for a little before sighing. What the hell am I doing?

"You really need to wake up." I started off as tears threatened to leave my eyes. "Everything was so much better when you were here."
I walked in the house, smiling at my brothers who were chilling in the living room.

"Amaraaaaaaa." Jermaine said, smiling as he got up from the couch. He put his arm on top of my head as he leaned all on me.

"Nigga, you heavy as fuck, getcha fat ass off me." I said, pushing him up a little.

After everything blew over, everything went back to normal. It was like Malik and Jermaine never left. With the help of Minnie, which Malik was not happy about, they were able to get a house.

"Where you coming from?" Malik asked as he sat up.

"Oh, just went to check on King, Vinchi and Kiara." I said, shrugging.

"How they doing? Damien!" Jermaine said while also calling Damien down stairs.

"They straight, Vinchi still ain't woke up yet."

"He gone be straight." Malik said, nodding his head. "That nigga strong as hell."

"Oh yeah." Jermaine started as he handed Damien a sandwich of some kind. "We gotta talk."

I furrowed my eyebrows as Jermaine sat on the other couch, in front of us.

"So, I don't know if you noticed," Malik said also chuckling. "But we had been watching you, the entire time we were gone."

My mouth lowkey dropped as I looked between the both of them. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Yep." Jermaine nodded. "We were watching y'all every move."

"So you mean to tell me you were around the whole time?" I said, trying to get this shit straight.

"Hell yeah. We never left to begin with." Malik said, shrugging.

"Speaking of, where the hell were y'all this whole time?"

"Under y'all noses." Malik said, putting his finger under my nose. I tried to bite that bitch.

"Shit, watching Thing 1 and Thing 2 argue everyday." Jermaine said, staring at Malik.

"Shut the fuck up, Jermaine." He said, mugging him.

"Shit it's true. I had to sit there through all of that shit. One time I was debating to be like fuck it and just come home cause they were giving me a migraine everyday." Jermaine said, shaking his head.

"Awe yeah, why youn fuck with Minnie?" I asked Malik since everybody could tell they don't like each other.

"Hell, she just irk my nerves. Ion fuck with her ass." He said, shrugging.

"She don't like his ass neither." Jermaine said, laughing as Malik stared at him blankly.

"Oh well you're gonna learn how to becauseeeee." I started off, not even wanting to finish what I was finna say.


"What the hell did you do, Amara?" Malik sat up, looking at me.

"I asked her to join the trap." I smiled innocently as the room went quiet.

"Aweee hell nah." Malik said before all of us started talking at once.

"You straight?" I let my presence be known as she jumped from being startled.

"How the fuck do you always get into my house?" Kiara said as she turned around, giving me a mean ass mug.

"Still got that smart ass mouth I see." I said, chuckling as I sat on her couch, smoking a blunt that I had rolled up.

What took me by surprise was when she came over and sat beside me, taking the blunt from my hand, taking a few pulls from it.

"What?" She said, handing it back to me.

"Don't ever do that shit again." I said, snatching the blunt from her. I don't care if I did find that shit sexy, youn do shit like that.

"Nigga you in my house, I do as I please." She rolled her eyes, standing up from the couch.

I stood up, lightly grabbing her arm, turning her towards me.

I stared at her cause I was too close to snapping her fucking neck.

"Let me tell you something." I said, blowing some of the smoke in her face. "Ion give a fuck who house this is, I do as I please too, the fuck?"

She just stared at me blankly. She winced a little but you could tell she tried to cover it up.

I looked at her arm that was wrapped up. "How's the arm?"

She scoffed, pushing me away lightly. "It's fine."

I hate the fact that Dub is literally fine as hell but he gets on my nerves. How does that even work?

"Why are you still here? Can you leave?" I said, going into the kitchen.

"Eh, I'll pass." He said, making me turn around.

"Bro, seriously, I'm not playing." That only caused him to laugh. What the fuck is funny?

He walked up to me, closing the space in between us. It didn't make shit better that this nigga was towering over me.

"Fuck it." I heard him mumble. Before I could ask why he said that, he kissed me, catching me off guard.

I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

It turned into a full make out session as be grabbed my face, making the kiss deeper.

He pulled back as we just stared at each other.

"Get out." Right now I didn't trust myself around him, so the best thing for me and him was for him to leave.

He chuckled before nodding his head, leaving out of the house.

I followed and locked the door after him before resting my head against the door.


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