Chapter 28

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(Next Month)

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I said, scrunching my face up at Minnie.

It has been a damn month or two and we still ain't heard from anybody yet.

"Amara, you heard what they said." Minnie said, sitting back in her chair.

"This is bullshit tho! Their asses probably ain't gonna do shit, they just wanna fuck with my head." I said, throwing my phone to the ground as I stood up, shaking my hands.

I can't seem to get my thoughts together around anything. I not used to taking orders from anybody besides my brothers.

"We can't just sit here forever, they could be plotting and we don't know shit about it." I said, throwing my hands in the air.

"Amara, I swear, everything is gonna work out fine. You're not gonna die." I looked at Minnie, squinting my eyes at her.

"You think I give a fuck about dying?" I scoffed before laughing. "Im not afraid to die! I ju-"

I stopped myself from saying what I was finna say, looking at everyone staring at me. It was just me, Vinchi, Kiara, and Minnie since Cortez and King has a drop and Nia is in school.

"Forget it." I said, shaking my head. "I gotta go."

I turned around, walking out of the room.

"I'll be right back." I sighed, standing up from my chair, walking out from the room before anybody could stop me.

I walked outside to see Amara walking fast while shaking.

"Aye." I jogged up to her, trying to stop her.

"Chill, chill out." I grabbed her hands since they were still shaking.

"You straight? Aye, Amara." I lightly tapped her face since she wasn't responding to me and she was trying to catch her breath.

I sat us down on the ground, even tho the ground was hot as fuck.

"Look at me. Breathe." I tried to get her to slow down her breathing before she passed out.

I continued to do that until she finally calmed down and stopped shaking.

She started crying, mumbling words I couldn't even understand.

What the hell is going on?

"I'm sorry." I tried to say since my cries were covering my words.

"Huh? Speak up louder mama."

"I said I'm sorry." I wiped my face, getting mad that I couldn't stop crying.

"For what? You haven't done anything."

"Y'all don't," My voice cracked, causing me to take a deep breathe. "Y'all don't understand how hard it is for me n-not to spazz out. I don't know how much more of this I can take." I said, covering my face as my leg bounced.

"Amara." He tried to move my hands out of the way. "Stop, look at me."

I huffed, looking at his face.

"Tell me what's going on. Talk to me." I looked away, not really knowing how to say what was really wrong with me. As I looked around, I seen a car sitting away from us, but for some reason, I didn't get a bad vibe from it.

"I want revenge." I finally said, wiping under my eyes. "The only way I will be happy is if I get my hands dirty with the folks that took my happiness away. That's why I want to do this so bad. Malik and Jermaine were my best friends before anybody. They were the ones that kept me going. They knew everything about me." I half smiled because little memories were popping up in my head.

"Now that they're gone," I frowned, turning to Vinchi to see he was still listening. "I don't know what to do."

It went silent for a second as we just sat there.

"Ight look." Vinchi started. "I'm one that says revenge isn't always the answer. But in this situation, I know that is the only thing that will help you rest. So, you will get what you want, but it just takes time okay? We can't move too fast because these people ain't playing fair. It will happen soon." He wrapped his arms around me as he kissed my forehead.

I sighed as I just laid on his chest, finally relaxing completely.

"So, are you up to get finished with this meeting or?"

"Nah." I said, shaking my head. "I just wanna go home and rest."

"Ight, come on." We both stood up as we walked to the car.

"Imma go get Kiara then we can go." I nodded as he went in the building. I took another glance at the car that was sitting there. I couldn't see anything because it was so dark in there but I just wonder what's in it.

"Ready?" I turned around to see Vinchi and Kiara coming up to the car. He handed me my phone before going to his side of the car.

I jumped up to the sound of something hitting the floor hard.

After we dropped Kiara off at her house, we came back and decided to just go to sleep for a bit.

I walked down stairs but stopped once I seen glass all over the floor. I looked up to see Vinchi on the couch with his head in his hands and Nia in front of the door.

"Yo, whats going on?" I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Vinchi turned and looked at me before standing up, grabbing his gun off the table.

"King, he, somebody took him." I looked at Nia with a confused look on my face.

"I just got word from Minnie. They're moving now." I froze and ran upstairs.

I grabbed my phone and my gun before coming back down.

"Everything is already packed right?" Nia asked.

"Yeah, the car is already packed so we're prepared." I answered since Vinchi is zoned out right now.

"We gotta get Cortez and Kiara before we head to the location."

"Wait, what about Minnie?" I asked.

"She said, she's gonna meet us there."

I looked at my phone to see an unknown number texted me with an address on it.

"What are we waiting for? I got the location. Let's go."

We all started walking to the car, making sure we locked the door behind us.

The car ride was silent and Vinchi was driving fast as hell.

"Hey." I put my hand over his. He slowed down before looking at me.

"We gonna find him alright? He gonna be straight." I said. He nodded as he sighed, wiping his face.

I can't let him go through the same thing I was going through. King is basically his brother, so we had to get him back.

"Let's get this shit over with."

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