Chapter 19

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"Okay we here. Where y'all at?" I asked, looking around. We were outside of this place that looked like it was being worked on. It had huge boxes everywhere.

"We on the other side. We getting out of the car now." Vinchi said as I heard a car door shut.

We seen a car pull up, and someone get out, walking to the other side of these boxes.

Me, Nia, and Kiara rushed over to the other side of these boxes so we wouldn't be seen.

"Okay, what y'all got?" I said, quietly.

"Nothing yet, we still got the location of Le's phone, we just trying to get the exact location of it." I nodded as if he could see me, looking around the place.

"Shit." Nia whispered as multiple cars pulled up, with a lot of people hoping out.

"Yep, this finna be messy." I heard King say as a gun cocked back on the phone.

I grabbed my strap as the girls did too. We all had silencers on them to make things easier.

"Y'all ready?" King asked over the phone.

Just when I was finna respond, someone stopped us.

"Wait!" I turned around as I heard a familiar voice, making me furrow my eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here, Angel?" I said, squinting my eyes at her.

"Wait a minute." Nia said, stopping us. "If you here... that means Damien is here too."

I furrowed my eyes at her as she looked at me nervously, indicating that Damien really was here.

"I oughta beat the fuck outta you." I said, charging towards her but was stopped by Kiara. "Why the fuck would you bring him here?!"

"I didn't have any one to watch him! I called a sitter, but she never showed and I wanted to help." I rolled my eyes at her.

"We don't need your help! What the hell can you do, Angel? Can you be smart for once in your fucking life?!" I whisper yelled, slightly pushing Kiara off me.

I stopped and tried to calm myself down a little because now is not the time. "Where is my nephew, Angel?"

"Oh, he's in the car." I stared at her blankly as I heard someone scoff on the phone.

"Where's your car?"

She pointed to a far distance, making me ball my fist up.

"So you're telling me, you left a three year old boy in the car by himself?" Nia said, scrunching her face up at her.

"I- um." It's like she was trying to find the right words to say.

"Aye, we ain't got time for this!" Vinchi whispered on the phone.

"Ight, he's right. What the hell are we gonna do with Angel tho?" Kiara said, as we all stood there looking at each other.

"Go back to your car, and keep a look out for us. Where she pointed at is where our car is at too." Nia said as I nodded.

"Gone head back to the car, cause I swear if something happened to my nephew," I cocked my gun back as her eyes widened. "It won't be pretty."

She nodded her head fast as she began running back towards her car.

"Dumb ass hoe." I said, shaking my head.

"Now are y'all ready?" King asked again.

"Let's go."

We pulled our masks down as we stepped from behind the boxes.

I made sure my aim was right before I pulled the trigger, sending someone to the ground.

Damn, that's body number 5.

Whoever he was with started looking around confused as I sent a bullet through his head.

That's when everyone started getting their guns out, looking around trying to find us.

I heard some say that the had a problem outside, but his body soon went falling down too.

I turned my head to make sure Nia and Kiara were okay and to my surprise, they were handling themselves very well.

I looked up and seen a woman come out of the building with two people. The woman seemed important because they were trying to shield her.

I set my aim up, getting the perfect aim for the woman. So as I was finna pull the trigger, a bullet went through my arm.

"Fuck." I said as pain shot through my arm. The pain was so bad but I couldn't stop.

I got back up as the truck that the woman got in pulled off, leaving her workers to deal with us.

Even though it was 10 of them and only 5 of us, we still managed to kill all of them.

"Clear?" Vinchi asked over the phone.

"Clear, meet us in the middle." I said as I hung up, looking over at Nia and Kiara.

"Ya straight?" I asked as we began walking to the middle.

"Yeah. We cool." Nia said as Kiara nodded her head.

"Y'all still got the location right?" I said as we got to Vinchi and King.

"Yes and I know where it's at. You see that black van over there?" King said, pointing to it. "That's where they are at."

I nodded my head as I looked at the van. For it to have people that were kidnapped in it, you can see shadows in it.

I seen two heads in the back seat as I smiled, noticing that my brothers were actually there.

I began walking up to it as the van blew up into flames, making me stop in my tracks.

I was in so much shock as my chest started to hurt, making my breathing get fast.

Everything started getting blurry as I tried to catch my breath. I stared at the burning flames as I heard everyone calling out to me, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

I felt something liquid-like run down my arm as everything went black.

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