The truth

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Cate's POV:

On the drive home, I thought about what I would tell Andrew. I also thought about how he would react, I know he would be mad. I also knew that he deserves to know the truth.I cared about him too much to lie to him. I loved him, not in the same way I loved Sandy but I did love Andrew. And once upon a time he had been my prince but now I found myself a princess.

"Andrew" I called as soon as I opened the door. He was standing next to the kitchen counter, waiting for me to come home.
"It's nice of you to finally come home, Cate," Andrew said as he walked in my direction.
"Yeah i'm so sorry I should have said something '' I replied while trying to reach out to him. He walked backwards, he didn't want to feel my touch.
"Where were you? No lies. I know you weren't at work."
"Andrew," I called out. I didn't want to hurt him. I tried to hold back the tears coming from my eye, I had to be strong, I had to do this.
"Where were you Cate?" Andrew repeats, but this time more serious.
"Can we sit down, please, I want to clearly explain everything" I said as I walked over to our living room.
We sat down and I could clearly see Andrew's legs nervously shaking, he knew I had betrayed him, betrayed what we had.
"I love you Andrew" I start.
"Cate, don't go there." He scolds.
"I just want you to know that, I really do" I looked at him, he was looking away. Looking at our picture sitting on the coffee table. Looking at how we were once meant for each other.
"But not anymore." Andrew replied as he finally looked into my eyes.
I couldn't stop the tear from falling from my eye.
"Andrew" I held his hand, but he quickly pulled it away.
"Who is it, Cate?" Andrew said as he stood up.
"Sandra," I replied without looking at him.
"I knew it. I always knew you had something going on."
"We didn't Andrew, it started recently. I was at her house last night."
"How could you do this to me Cate?" He said as the tears fell down his cheek.
"How could you betray me like this? Our love. Everything we fought for. Do you love her?" He asked, I could see how broken he was on the inside.
"Yes, I do. I really love her"
"How could you do this to me? You destroyed everything we had to be with a woman. I can't believe you would ever do this."
"You out of all people Andrew, I thought you would understand."
"Me? Understand what exactly Cate? That you ruin a marriage for what, for a woman"
"What does it matter if she is a woman?"
"It doesn't Cate, what matters is that you cheated and that you are not the woman I thought you were."
He was now crying, an ocean of dark tears rolling off his cheeks.
"Im so sorry Andrew"
"Don't even try Cate, please just leave"
"No Andrew" I begged. I didn't know what I wanted from him. I wanted to take back everything I said, undo the past but I couldn't. I couldn't deny my feelings. Yes I know cheating is wrong, I know I should have said something sooner. But we don't choose who we fall in love with. I think everyone has the right to love whoever they love.
"I loved you more than anything Cate, and this is how you repay me?"
"Andrew I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you. I promised I wanted to say something sooner but I didn't know how?"
"For how long has this been going on?"
I had to be honest with him, no more lies.
"Last night was the first night we had intercourse, the first night something real actually happened. But we had been seeing each other for a while."
"I can't believe it, Cate, honestly." He places his face on the palms of his hands.
"Have you always liked her? Is that why you fought last time?"
"Yes, well kind of. I liked her " I said soon realizing how that would hurt him even more.
"We had something at the beach one night but then she got mad and we fought."
"So our relationship for the past year has all been a lie?" Andrew said in an angry tone.
"No Andrew, after that everything was true."
"Don't lie to me Cate, not anymore. I know you never stopped loving Sandra. I knew it deep inside but I just didn't want to believe it."
"Andrew" I said, as the tears rolled down my cheek.
"Please leave Cate, leave me alone" He said as I walked out.
I stood up, and walked to the door. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to leave him like this. I wanted to end things with him, be honest with him. But not like this. I knew I made a mistake by cheating on him, I should have done things differently.
"I'm so sorry Andrew, I hope you can forgive me." I whisper before shutting the door behind me.

Secret Love Affair Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora