An Old Friendship

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Sandy's POV:

I was a couple of minutes late, driving full speed on the highway. I was nervous about Cate and Sarah seeing each other for the first time in a year. Last time they saw each other, things didn't really run so smoothly. Plus, Cate specifically asked me to please be there on time. Cate and Sarah both texted me that they were on their way a couple minutes ago, so hopefully I won't be too late. I got out of my car, wearing a black long silk skirt and a yellow cropped shirt. Sitting there was Sarah, wearing a long flowery dress that showed her collarbones matching with pink sunglasses laying on her head.

"Sarah," I excitedly called out as I sat down next to her.
"Hey Sandy" she said as she reached across - we hugged.
"I guess Cate is also late" I point out.
"Yeah" Sarah said looking down.
"It's been such a long time, how are you, how is everything?" I said while trying to make conversation.
"Work has practically been taking over my whole life," Sarah replied.
"What are you working on now?"
"I've recently signed contracts for this new movie premiering next year. I'm really excited about that."
"What is it about?"
" I can't tell you." she teased as she prods me on the arm. We laugh.
"What about you Sandy?"
"Not much, I've been staying home, trying to focus on myself a bit."
"That's great. What about you and Cate? What's going on with that?"
"I love her Sarah, I really do."
"You always have." Sarah said, looking at me.
"You've always known?"
"I- yes, I could tell."
"How come?"
"By the way you guys looked at each other, or hugged each other. It was obvious""I didn't even know, but now I do. It has always been her."
"So you guys are a thing now?"
"Not really, I was candid about my true feelings towards her."
"And, does she feel the same way?"
"She is scared things will turn out the same way they did last time."
"Yeah, I get that. We acted so wrong."
"Yeah, she asked me to take things slow."
"What about Andrew?
"I have no idea, I guess Cate will eventually tell him everything."
"She has to. If you guys really want this to work, you must tell Andrew"
Out in the corner of my eye I could see Cate, wearing a baby blue dress, with white sandals.
"Hey, I'm so sorry for being late." she called out in a quavering voice. "I've missed you Sarah" Cate said as she embraced her in a big hug.
I've always admired that about Cate, she never holds a grudge. She understands Sarah acted wrong towards her, but she knows she didn't really mean the words she said.
"Cate you look wonderful" Sarah said as she admired the blue dress hanging off of Cate's shoulders.
"Thank you" Cate replied as she leaned forward to grab Sandy's hand.

Lunch went amazing, for a second it seemed like things never changed. We were all laughing, smiling, and reminiscing about all the incredible memories we had together. It was perfect. After we finished eating, we decided to go to the ice cream parlor next door. Cate ordered a vanilla flavor ice cream, Sarah got chocolate chip cookie, and I got lavender flavor.
"She's not like most girls," Sarah teased as I tried my lavender ice cream.
"Shut up, at least I'm unique," I joked back.
Today marks a new beginning, a new start for the three of us.

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