The Photograph

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Cate's POV:

Life seemed perfect, I was happier than I had been over the past year. A couple of weeks had passed since we had first reunited with both Sandra and Sarah. Since then, our group chat has never stopped ringing in messages and phone calls. We managed to fit each other into our schedules and go out a couple of more times, to the movies, out to eat something, and we even worked out together a couple of times. My relationship with Sandy is also developing slowly, we are getting closer, trusting each other, our souls are connecting. There is chemistry, there is tension, there is love. I don't know how to approach the situation, how to tell her all I dream about is holding her, of touching her, of being with her for hours. But I must always remind myself that I am married. I love Andrew with all my heart, but I also burn for Sandra in a way I never did with Andrew. Should I hide my feelings forever and stay with someone that makes me happy, but hide my true self. Or should I risk it all, for the woman I truly love.

I walked over to my bedroom counter and opened the drawer that holds all the pictures from my past. I looked through the ones of Sandra, Sarah and I. Picture after picture holding different memories, different emotions, different experiences. Crying, laughing, smiling, that is us, that is who we are. What would change, if Sandra and I tried something again? Would Sarah walk away from us? Is she also someone I would have to sacrifice in order to have happiness with Sandra? I bent down to grab a picture that fell to the floor, and it's from the night at the beach. We both look so incredibly happy, smiles on our faces and our eyes small from how happy we were. We are holding on to each other, face to face, as if our life depended on it. A sudden urge rose up on my chest, to hold her, to call her mine. The picture was a sign, any picture could have fallen to the floor but it was the one of us at the beach. Life was telling me something, I had to fight for my happiness, I was sure about that.

I grabbed my phone and called her without really thinking about the consequences this might bring me.
"Sandra, can we please see each other tonight?"
"Cate, yes what happened?"
"I need to tell you something."
" I also have to talk to you," she replied. "Come over right now"
"Okay I'll be there in 20 minutes" I said as I grabbed my purse and left my house.

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