The Encounter

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Cate's POV:

"Cate hurry up, they will be here soon" I heard Andrew, calling from downstairs. Tonight is the official premier for the new movie coming out soon, one which I also directed. My husband and I have been asked to do an exclusive party, to celebrate the movie release. Organizing these kinds of events is always frightening, you have a bunch of people in your house, you must make sure the food is good, and the place looks elegant and well put together. The hardest part was figuring out what to wear, should it be classy and elegant, or a bit sexy and daring? Finally, I decided to wear a long white dress, red heels to match my red lipstick, and a tight ponytail to highlight my cheekbones. I rushed downstairs to see that everything was in order, and in the corner of my eye I could see my husband, Andrew. He was wearing a blue suit that hangs just above his wrists and that beautiful watch I got him last christmas.

"You look beautiful darling" he said as he looked into my ocean blue eyes.
"Thank you" I replied back.
Suddenly, we could hear the guests pulling up into our driveway. The room began to fill up with laughter, joy, fashion and people I didn't even know. I was so nervous about tonight's event that I forgot to look at the list of invites, I had no clue who was coming to my house and who wasn't. The noise and the chatter got the best of me and I had to go out, my lungs needed fresh air. I walked outside and stared up at the sky, a full moon, my favorite. In the distance I could see a grey Rolls Royce pull up, whose car could it be? A strange feeling took charge of my body, my heart started to pump blood as fast as it possibly could, butterflies were flying all around my body. I stared at it as it slowly parked next to the Lamborghini urus that belongs to George Clooney. I was shocked, my heart forgot how to pump, my eyes forgot how to blink, I held my breath. It was Sandra Bullock, my ex best friend. I haven't seen her in over a year. I haven't spoken to her since what happened last summer. Why was she here? Why did she come to my house after everything that happened?
She walked up the steps wearing a red tight dress that hugged her curves in the best way, her hair falling as the wind blew right at her. She didn't see me hiding behind the pillar. I knew that I had to stay away from her, talking would only cause trouble.

Throughout the night, I made sure to stay as far away from her, but somehow our paths would always cross. In the kitchen, in the living room, in the backyard, at the bar, she was everywhere.
"Cate, are you okay?" Andrew said as he looked at my pale face.
"No, I have the worst headache, I'll go upstairs for 10 minutes''. I lied.
Still holding the glass of wine on one hand, and the staircase railing on the other, I rushed upstairs. I could not control it, control the thoughts, the emotions, the memories.

It all happened last summer, the night at the beach, the night that changed everything for us. Sandra Bullock, Sarah Paulson and I were best friends, friends that told each other everything. We understood each other, we shared our darkest past, and yet we were always there for each other. We would spend day and night together, work together, and even go on trips together. As a joke, the three of us would say we were long lost sisters that were separated at birth. We traveled all across the globe: Italy, Bahamas, Fiji, Australia, UK, France. It was the three of us, the three of us against the world, and we thought that would never change.
One night Sarah called in to cancel on us, we were supposed to go out for dinner but she had to go somewhere else. Sandra and I decided to still hang out just the two of us, so we went out on a beach walk. That beach walk should have never happened, that beach walk is what ended everything. Just the thought of it mademmy heart ache, my blood boil, and my stomach turn upside down. My friendship with both of them, gone in an instance all for a stupid mistake.

I decide being alone in my room is not a good idea, I should not let my thoughts flow around like this. I went downstairs, holding on to the little ounce in my body that was still in control and made my way towards the garden. I sat down on a brown bench placed next to the pool and concentrated on the people dancing across the bar. People in red, blue, black, all having a good time, not worrying about things that already happened. Drinks were getting spilled on the floor, laughter was being echoed all around the house, and memories were being made.

"Hey Cate" I heard Sandra's soft voice call from behind me.
I was startled, I forgot how to breathe.
I turned around and looked at her, she was standing there, in a tight red dress. Looking as beautiful as ever.
"Long time huh" she said as she sat down next to me.
I was frozen, my body forgot its human functions.
Once upon a time we were best friends, once upon a time I could tell her everything. But now I can't even look at her.
"Sandra" my voice was shaking.
"This place is fantastic" she said with her eyes fixed on the lights hanging on top of us.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Tom sent me an invitation. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to come or not, but I thought it would be nice to catch up a little. It's been a year."
Tom was a mutual friend of ours, he helped organize this party with me.
"Over a year" I say as my eyes finally found their way over to hers.
"But I have to go find Andrew, goodbye." I said as I stood up and left. It killed me not being able to talk to her, every inch of my body was screaming for her. To hold her, to touch her, to have her by my side. But I can't. And I will never be able to again.

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