Chapter 7: Escort Mission

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She took it and held it in her hand, a small smile formed on her lips. "It feels... Lighter. Thank you, I'll repay you sometime."

"It's fine. I don't fancy charging people anyway." He grabbed his coat and wore it. "So, Dr. Kalt'sit asked you to pick me up right? Let's go then, don't wanna hear an earful from her." Lee said and Blue Poison smiled to herself as she followed him out of the office.

Blue Poison stared at Lee's back as they walked, wondering how many times he has hit his head when walking through the low doors in Rhodes Island. She giggled slightly at the scene in her mind, which didn't go unnoticed.

"So you can also giggle huh? Something in your mind?" Lee asked and glanced at her.

"N-Nothing, I just... Uhmm, remembered something!" Blue Poison frantically waved her arms and panicked. Lee just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. They both walked side by side and received curious stares from other operators, wondering about the odd pair passing by in the hallway.

After walking and chatting for a few minutes, they managed to reach the briefing room. Lee managed to learn quite a few things about Blue Poison. One thing is that her skin really isn't poisonous, it's just that her blood is really toxic. This made people to jump into conclusions that by having skin contact with her will most likely kill them. She had tried to make friends to others but only received a blatant mistrust from them. Blue Poison also uses her blood as ammunition for her crossbow and mixes it with a another substance, making it more deadlier than it already is. She also carries an antidote in her at all times in case she shot someone friendly, which they both hope wouldn't happen.

Lee also took a look in her file and discovered that she is in fact one of the Abyssal hunters. Blue Poison just vaguely mentioned that she has experience killing large creatures, which Lee didn't pry further into as it might be sensitive information and would probably make her uncomfortable.

Lee and Blue Poison entered the room and saw Doctor Ikura doing paperwork on a separate desk and Kalt'sit, along with two other people that looked like scientists.

"I'm glad you made it in time." Lee heard Kalt'sit say with a small hint of sarcasm in her voice that only he knew. Over the past weeks, Lee noticed that he has gotten closer to Kalt'sit, and he got to know some of her mannerisms. Blue Poison sat down but Lee remained standing.

"This is Dr. Silence, a former scientist of Rhine lab." Kalt'sit said and introduced one of the people across the table who bowed her head. She was a Liberi and wore a pair of glasses, which didn't help cover the bags that was forming under her eyes.

'Such a hard worker.' he thought. She wore a green turtle neck and a lab coat. This Silence person gave off the vibe of someone tired of living but is still living because they are needed by someone. And beside her was another Liberi, which had a more enthusiastic aura around her. She couldn't be even older that twenty. 'I bet she must be around eighteen or something.' Lee made a bet in his mind. She wore a moss green turtle neck and also a white bulky, armored-like coat for winter season. How she's not sweating bullets right now is out of the question. She also held a data pad on her hand and drummed her fingers on the desk. "Hi! Former Rhine lab researcher Magallan, Silence's colleague. Nice to meet you, uhh..." She happily said and trailed off, waiting for them to tell their names.

"Uhmm... Blue Poison." She shyly introduced herself and glanced at Lee.

"Lee." His voice sounded stern while he closed his eyes and crossed his arms.

'What the fuck was that lame introduction?!' He berated his mind and sighed internally.

"Nice to meet you, Blue Poison and Lee." Magallan smiled across the table.

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