After completing my college, I found a good job in a very reputed company and my career took a great start. Kong and Me, we were both getting stronger as the time passed and I couldn't believe I was capable of loving someone this much.    

Now that we were in our fifth year of relationship, Kong started to work in his dad's company. He was beyond excited about it, and every day, for the past two weeks, he came home and told me story after story about all of the cool things he did at work. I was so proud of him. He started with a simple post in his own Father's company and was determined to work his way up to the higher position.

His father gifted him a new car on his graduation but he dosen't use it for going to work, He choosen to go to work as other normal employees, by subway train or bus. but now I wished he'd never done that, Because of this choice, I now may have lost the love of my life

Pain ripped through my heart as I thought about never seeing him walk through the door again. Would I be able to move on ?? Would I want to move on ?? Would I even want to live without him ??

I was startled by such a dark thought, but the more I thought about it, the more it didn't seem so weird. Kongpob was the best thing that had happened to me and without him I would only be half a man. He complemented me in so many ways. He could calm me when my anxiety got the best of me, or I placed too much pressure on myself. He knew how to bring a smile to my face, and always knew exactly what I needed at any given moment. Sometimes I thought he knew me better than I knew myself.

Standing quickly, I flew into a rage.....

I screamed.......

I kicked.......

I threw various things.......

In the end, I collapsed to the floor sobbing uncontrollably as I faintly listened to the worried voices on the television as the news feed goes on.

I don't know when I finally got off of the floor, but after calling Kong's cell and, once again, not receiving an answer, I decided to go outside and sit on the outside stairs. If Kong made his way back home, I wanted to make sure I was right there waiting for him.

Hour after hour passed and there was still no sign or word of him. Occasionally neighbors stopped by and sheepishly smiled at me. I tried my best to be polite, knowing I wasn't the only one in turmoil. The entire city was suffering

Every once in a while, I caught the sight of black shiny hair and my heart swelled. However, moments later it would break when the person turned out to be a stranger and not my Kong. I should have gone inside the house, rather than torture myself over and over again, but I didn't want to miss my Moon when he arrived. If he didn't return to me, I don't think I'd ever be able to enter our apartment again.

Sitting on the stairs and staring at my phone, willing it to ring, I thought I faintly heard my name being called in the distance. The name 'Arthit' is not a totally uncommon name, so I didn't really pay attention, but when I heard it again, this time closer and louder, I turned my head and looked up the street

The world literally stopped and everything moved in slow motion

There, running towards me, was the most beautiful sight in the world.


I ran down the steps and bolted towards him. As my legs carried me closer to my boyfriend, tears streamed down my face. Once I was close enough, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him tightly to my body

"P' Arthit...."

he whispered.

"Kong !! Thank God you're okay !!"

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