Chapter 4: Fail safe

Start from the beginning

"Well, being in law enforcement does that to you. I can tell you address her in high regard, and her position exerts authority. All I did was respectfully converse with her, nichts besonderes." Lee said, earning a nod from the Vouivre.

"Ehh, you speak Leithanien?" Liskarm said with a surprised tone. She recognized the language immediately because of the accent, since there were quite a few Elafia who can speak Leithanien inside Rhodes Island.

"Yeah, I can speak a little Leithanien, but it's not that good. And I also feel like I doxxed myself just now." Lee responded with a laugh, but soon stopped when Liskarm wore a confused look on her face.

"Errr, what's with the look?"

"Nothing, I was wondering what 'doxxed' mean? I've never heard the word before." The Vouivre uttered as she massaged her wrist after removing her tactical watch.

Lee thought she was joking just now, but he suddenly remembered that Terra was different from Earth in so many ways. Even some of the most basic slangs that they; teenagers or young adults during the Golden Age used to converse, was non existent here.

"Ah...doxxed or doxxing just means, like when you accidentally or deliberately got your exact home address leaked to the internet. Since I revealed where I live to the Doctor, I basically just doxxed myself." Lee explained, earning a series of nods from the curious Vouivre.

"Hmm, the more you learn, eh? Also, Is it okay if I ask something?" Liskarm suddenly queried, earning a look of interest from the tired blonde. She thought of the foreign looking picture she saw in the locker in his room, but she decided it was best not to bring it up.

He cocks his head towards her. "Oh? I can answer a few, given we still have time until the Doc calls. What's on your mind?"

"Hmm, let me think of something." The Vouivre said and puts a finger on her chin, feigning like she was really thinking of something. "Uhh, you're not a native from Valostra, yeah? When's the last time you left the city?"

Lee's eyes suddenly turned serious, and the seasoned BsW operator noticed it. "Yeah...well, I moved here 4 years ago from Leithania. Just stayed there for 6 months, and before that I was living a year off on Higashi. And a year before that I applied as an analyst in the LGD down on Lungmen."

He said without so much as a hint of lie in his voice. The man was already used to lying with a straight face, for he has already done it countless...even immeasurable times during his tenure at Kurono ops. Well, in reality, what he said was basically true. The only thing he will leave out is his... arrival in this world.

"Wow... that's a lot of places to be. Don't you miss your hometown? I first glance you look like a Sarkaz, but now I'm not so sure. A Kylin, maybe?" Liskarm asked, squinting her eyes as she did so.

Lee just laughed it off, but he couldn't help but feel an immense wave of nostalgia hitting him because of her question.

'It's not her fault,' Lee thought, 'She's just clueless about it...don't put the blame on her.'

"I... To be honest, I actually want to go back there. Not in Kazdel, no, but in my real hometown. You could say it's pretty devastated by war too..." He said with a hint of longing in his voice.

"And as for where that is," He continued, glancing at the Vouivre with a smile, "that's a story for another day."

Liskarm smiled back, taking the hint. She respected his desire for secrecy, because everyone has the right to do so. She just stands up and holstered her pistol, before turning towards the stairs.

"Well, at least I got to know more about you. Can't have you calling me a friend without me knowing anything about you, now can we?"

Lee just smiled back and lifted one of his legs in the center table, before leaning his body on the couch. "Hah, I guess so. Now go take some shut-eye, I'll wake you up when the time comes."

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