Part 5

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As soon as Raza teleported to Capsule Corp he noticed a fight going on. He looked and saw Goku in his Super Saiyan Two form fighting against a similarly transformed doppelganger of himself. He looked around more and saw Bulma, Gohan, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Whis, and Beerus watching the fight.

"Guess Black was a little early." Raza quietly said to himself.

He surrounded his hand with pink Ki and teleported to the two Gokus, punching Black in the face and knocking him to the ground with immense strength. Black broke free of his small crater and sighed.

"And just who are you?" He asked, "Some other Saiyan wretch who defiles the power of the gods?!"

"Ironic when you're a god who defiles the power of the Saiyans," Raza said, glaring daggers into the man.

Black scowled, this unknown kid knew too much.

"Oh, and who do you think it was to give you Saiyans that strength in the first place?" Black asked sarcastically.

"The gods who knew how to do their jobs right." Raza said, "That clearly excludes you."

Black scowled in anger at this comment, he didn't realize Raza was using his arrogance against him.

"What gives you the right to determine such a thing?" Black asked angrily, "You talk as if you are a god such as myself, you even mock us by wearing Potara!"

Before they could continue their exchange of barbs, a black rift in time appeared behind Black, pulling him back to Future Trunks's timeline.

"Enjoy the gift from my mother." Raza slyly replied, tipping Black off.

Before he could be fully pulled into the portal, he noticed Trunks's Time Machine in the open courtyard, which made him smile evilly.

"I won't let Trunks meddle with time anymore!" Black yelled as he shot a yellow Ki blast at the Time Machine.

Raza who knew this was coming, jumped in the path of the blast before it could hit the machine. He knocked the Ki blast into the air. Raza shot a Ki blast and knocked Black through the portal which snapped shut after he fell through it.

"How did you know he was going to do that?" A nearby Future Trunks asked.

"Not important," Raza said, "But what is important is that you learn about new Super Saiyan Forms."

Trunks was a little confused but just nodded his head and Goku flashed his signature grin.

"Remember," Raza said, "After you learn about these forms and even achieve them for yourself you can never be content, you should always be seeking to further your strength but you shouldn't seek out strength to the point where you neglect learning and resting."

Gohan nodded and noted the sage-like advice.

"I never got the chance to ask who you are," Gohan said, "But I would like to know."

"I'm a Saiyan from Age 852, I'm part of an elite group of warriors called Time Patrollers who protect history," Raza said, telling the four Saiyans and Bulma everything.

"That's crazy!" Goku said amazed, "I knew you were from the future but I didn't know you protected history."

"I have a question about that," Future Trunks piped up, "Does that mean the Time Travel I've done is a bad thing?"

"Your use of the Time Machine that Future Bulma created was what caused the law to be created by my mother as it caused a timeline branch," Raza explained

"Oh," Trunks said dejected, "Will I be punished for this?"

"No," Raza said, "It wasn't a rule until you did it which means you didn't violate Galactic Law. Even if you did, your intentions and actions were noble as you just wanted to save your reality," Raza explained to the relief of the Time Traveller.

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