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After what should've been an hour and a half, but turned out to be two hours, we got to the apartment that faced the beach.

"Woah," I say as we get out of the car and stretch. "And your parents own this?"

"We just have the top floor, but yeah."

"Still." I say, gazing out at the water. "It's pretty."

"Yeah," he agrees and I snap out of it, turning to help unload the bags from the car. We bring the bags up to the apartment and he opens the door, letting me go in first.

The walls were a light green with paintings and pictures hanging everywhere. The couch cornered the living room with a small tv on a fireplace, the dining table sitting between the couch and kitchen whose walls were a light pink. Michael shows me the bathroom and two bedrooms, letting me choose which I wanted.

"I don't have a preference." I say, laughing slightly as we stood between the two doorways.

"Neither do I!" He laughs with me. "Okay," he pulls his wallet out and looks through it. "Heads, you get the room with the canopy bed, tails, I do, good?"

"Sure," I laugh again and watch as he flips the coin. 

"Heads." I nod and walk into the room, setting my bag down next to the bed.

I unpack a bit before walking out. Michael's standing in the kitchen so I quietly walk up behind him.

"Boo!" I yell, setting my hands on his shoulders. He jumps and turns before laughing.

"I hate you."

"Do you though?" I laugh with him as I sit on the counter.

"No. So, I was thinking we could make food tonight?" He says as he leans against the counter.

"Sure, what were you thinking?"

"Chicken pot pie?"

"I could die for some pot pie right now." I agree, laughing as I jump off the counter. We preheat the oven before starting the pies.

"Wait," I say as Michael goes to put the pies in. "You added the egg, right?"

"I think so?"

"Okay." I let him put the pies in before starting the thirty minute timer.

We play cards until the timer goes off. I get to the oven first and grab an oven mitt before opening the door.

As soon as the door opens, smoke billows out and I pull the pies out, quickly closing the oven door as Michael turns the stove off and opens a window. I look at the pies and see burnt crips left in the pans.

"Well at least we know we can't cook next time." Michael says after a minute of us both staring at the pies, causing us to start laughing.

"Yeah," I agree, a smile still on my face. We carefully get rid of the food before deciding to just order pizza.

"Okay, favorite movie, go." Michael says as we sit on the couch with our pizzas about an hour later.

"Heathers." I say instantly, grabbing my cup and taking a sip of the soda. "I actually auditioned for Newsies with a monologue from Heathers. What about you?"

"A Princess Bride."

"That's a good movie. Okay, favorite book."

"The Catcher in the Rye." Michael answers almost instantly. "You?"

"The Great Gatsby."

"That's probably my second favorite book." He says and I look over at him with a small smile.

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