My Girl

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"Diego, where are you going?" I ask as I see him starting to pack up his things. "I have to go back home and check on my mom" he responds. "Aww a mommys boy" I tease. I see him roll his eyes as he leaves towards the door. "Get home safe" I say as I fully extend my body on the hospital bed.

After I hear the door close I immediately feel Ace's large body on top of me. "What are you doing?" I ask as I try to push him off me. He stays put as he stares into my eyes. "You have beautiful eyes" I say, stare at the ocean blue eyes above me. "So do you" he says as he leans down a bit. "So you think shit looks beautiful" I ask. "They're not shit colored." he says as he starts straddling me.

He places his hand on my cheek as he stared into my eyes. "They are more of a dark honey color." he says as he places a kiss on my lips. His tongue slipped into my mouth and we both fought for dominance.

I feel Ace's hand slip under my shirt. He quickly slips one of his fingers into my sports bra. He pulled it away then let go so it slapped back onto my skin. "When we get home I'm showing you a real bra." He says as he pulls away.

I feel Ace's hand quickly slip down my pants and underwear as he sits up. I jump at the feeling of his cold hands brush against my skin.

"Ace, not here" I say as I try to get up. "And why not?" he asks as he pulls his hand away from me.

"One, we're in a hospital and two" I pause and look Ace up and down. "Your still hurt"

I see him roll his eyes. "It doesn't matter," he says as he gets up and locks the door. "Now, were were we?" he says as he licks his lips. "You horney fucker were not doing it" I say as I sit up and cross my arms across my chest.

He gives me a glare before sitting back on the bed. "I get what I want," he says. "Not today" I say as I give him a smirk. He gives me another glare before getting up and sitting down in his bed.

Easy. I quickly grab the remote and turn on the old suicide squad.

I'm not even halfway through when I hear Ace's breathing hitch. I think nothing of it until I hear him groan. I turn my head his way and see him hand fucking himself under the hospital blanket.

I break out laughing at how desperate he is. I see his head turn towards me and a smirk is placed on his face. "Want to help me finish" he asks. "Nope" I say as I turn my attention back to the tv.

As I focus on the tv I hear the door knob to our room rattle. I look over at Ace and give him a glare before getting up and unlocking the door. "Sorry" I say. She walks in and looks at me. "How are you feeling?" she asks. "Great" I say as I give her a smile. She nods then walks over to Ace. "How about you?" she asks as she writes into her clipboard. "Good but I could use a little help with something" he says as he sits up.

My eyes go wide at his comment. "Get out" I tell the nurse as I walk up to her. "He said he needed-" she starts but I cut her off. "He doesn't need help now get the fuck out." I say as I point at the door. "Mam I-." "Get out" I yelled, cutting her off again.

She quickly scurries out of my room. I close the door myself before quickly getting pinned to the wall by Ace. "When I'm done with you, you'll be begging for more" he says as he ripped off my shirt. "No, and also that was a nice shirt" I whine as I look at the shirt that is laid on the floor. "I will buy you a better one,'' he says as he starts to kiss my neck.

"Ace I-" I start but his hand quickly covers my mouth. "I won't go inside you if that's what you're worried about" he says in a raspy voice against my neck.

As he continues to give me kisses a little moan escapes me as he hit one of my sensitive spots.

*Aces Pov"

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