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FUCK! I yell as I punch the empty seat next to me. "Ace" mom yells trying to get me to calm down but it doesn't work. "Ace" she yells again as she puts her hand on my shoulder. I swat it off quickly. "Dont fucking touch me" I say as stare at the floor. "Step on it!" I yell at the driver. I feel the car speed up. "Ace" Fera says as she moves closer to me. "It's going to be ok" she pauses "shes ok."

"Shes not fucking ok" I yell as I jolt my head up to make eye contact. "She was fucking shot how could she possibly be ok." I spit out.

I barely yell at Fera and when I do she always looks frightened.

I hear the driver clear his throat as the car comes to a stop. "Were here" he says.

I immediately get up and open the door. I run into the hospital and go to the front desk. "Where is she" I ask sternly "be more specific sir the woman at the front desk says "Where is Malia?" I ask. She looks down at her computer and types into it. "Last name?" The woman asks. Crap. Veto? No. "Try Vinceair" I say as I tap my finger on the counter impatiently. "No one. Does she have another?

D- Detro. "Malia Detro" I say. "Are you related to her sir" the woman asks. "Im her fucking fiance" I yell at her as my mom and Fera come up. "2nd floor room 296" the woman says.

I quickly walk towards the elevator and push the button. A couple seconds later I hear a ding then the elevator doors open. All three of us walk in. I press the button that has the number 2 on it. After a couple seconds the elevator dings again and the doors open. I walk out and down a long hallway till I reach the room labeled Room 296.

*Malia's POV"

I wake up from a nice nap to hear little snores beside me. I turn my head towards the noise and see Ace sound asleep. I couldn't help but to smile. Even though he hurt me I still... I- I still love him. I don't think anything he could do could stop my love for him.

I hear the doorknob ruffle then one of the doctors entered causing Ace to wake up.

"Sorry to wake you guys Malia just needs some more tylenol in her system" the doctor said as she walked up to me and inserted liquid into the IV I was hooked up to. "It's ok" I say as I try to sit up. "You need to rest, don't try to sit up," the doctor said. I fall back onto the hospital bed wanting to pout like a little baby. "Alright I'll leave now" the doctor said as he got up and left the room.

"Finally," I said as I started to sit up. "Lay back down." I hear Ace's deep voice say. "No" I say in annoyance as I roll my eyes.

"Look Malia, I know what you saw was wrong but just hear me out." He started to say before I cut him off. "No, I don't want to hear it." I say as I look over at him. "Please just-" he starts. "NO" I yell. "I don't want to hear your rambling of how you "accidentally" kissed a girl." I scoff at him.

I see his eyes getting watery. "Ace I-" "No" He yells, cutting me off. "You don't want to hear me and don't want to see me so why should I continue trying to be a good person for you" He yells as he jumps up and kicks the chair he was sitting in. "Ace, I never said I didn't want to see you." I yelled as I felt a tear run down my face. "Goodbye Malia." Ace said as he started to head towards the door.

"No" I yell as I get out of the bed only to fall to the floor. My hands started to tremble and my breathing became unsteady. "You can't. You can't leave my life like I never existed." I yelled.

I see Ace stop in his tracks. "Watch me," he said in a cold tone. "N- no." I whisper.

"I- I love you" I yell. I see him turn around in my blurry vision.

"No one could ever love someone as cruel as me." I hear Ace say. "Well I'm not no one am I?" I say as I wipe the tears off my face.

I struggle to get up as Ace stares at his feet with his fists clenched. "Ace. I love you." I say as I start to walk over to him. I place my hands on his tense shoulders. "I love you" I say again as I put my hand under his chin and lift it up.

I softly press my lips on his. "I don't love you." Ace says, pulling away from the kiss. "I know." I say as my hands tremble even more. Tears trickle down from my face as I walk back to the hospital bed. "You can go now." I say as I lay down.

I hear the door open then close which told me he had left.

"Ace what the hell happened" I heard a voice say. I wipe the tears off my face and hold the rest of them back. I turn my attention towards the noise. Fera stood there giving Ace a glare. "Ace" Fera said again. "Nothing," Ace said, looking up from the floor to reveal his watery eyes.

Why was he crying. There is no need for him to cry.

"Well something obviously happened" Fera said looking at the both of us. "Please just tell me" she said, picking up the chair Ace kicked and placing it up right. "Come on you too" she asked, annoyed as she sat in the chair.

I give Ace a glare and I know he feels it. "Nothing" Ace says as he begins to walk towards the door. "No you don't" Fera said, jumping up and trying to pull him back which I might add didnt change anything. Ace just dragged Fera out of the room on his arm like she was nothing.

A couple minutes later I see Fera skip in the room with a big smile plastered on her face. Following right behind her were Ace's mom and him. It was quite a sight to see Ace's mom drag him in by the ear.

She let go of him once they were in the room and closed the door.

"Now, what happened." Fera said as she sat in the chair.

"Nothing," Ace said again. "A lot of nothings are flying out of your mouth big bro." she said as she let out a little laugh from what she called him.

"Malia, what happened." Fera said, turning her attention to me. I try to swallow the lump in my throat but it won't go away. "Nothing" I say while shrugging it off.

"My god," Fera said, annoyed. "Mom were going to my friend who works for these cameras. Come on.

"Fera no. It's none of your business so let it go" I hear Ace say. "Oh, is it personal?" she says with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes" I respond rolling over so I don't have to face the family. "Oh, sorry" I heard Fera say. "Well anyway you guys have to make up." She said, "I don't think that's possible" I mumble. "Ok, please just tell me what happened. I'm eager now." She spit out.

"None of your fucking business" Ace yelled. I turn my head and make eye contact with Ace. I look over at Fera who looked like she was scared out of her mind. I look back over at Ace. "What the hell Ace." I yell.

The door opens and two doctors burst through. "We heard some ruckus is something wrong." The doctors ask. "Yes, can I have something to help me sleep." I say all while glaring at Ace.

"Ok" both doctors say, looking at all the tension in the room. "Well be back soon" they say before shutting the door.

"Ok Fera you and I are leaving. You two, try and make up whatever fight you guys got into." Ace's mom said as she got up and left the room with Fera.

Sorry for the long wait I've had a total brain fart.

Anyway thank for all the reads it means a lot to me and I hope you guys are enjoying the book.

Hope y'all are having a great day/night

*Not Edited*

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