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"You idiot!" His dad scolds him. "What the hell do you mean!?" Ace shouts. "Just because she's your fiance doesn't mean you have to act like she is!" His dad says frustrated. Ace stayed silent at the comment his dad just said and looked at him with disgust.

"Get out" Ace yells as he points to the door. "You do not bark orders at me young man" his dad yells as he slaps him. I see Ace's jaw clench and fists are now ready to be thrown at him.

"Don't ever talk to me like that again" his dad yells as he leaves the room.

Ace turns his head to me and looks at me in the eyes. "Im sor-" Ace starts but I quickly cut him off "it's not your fault" I say with a forced smile. Ace jumps back into bed and wraps his big muscular body around me. "You're squishing me" I muffle do to my face being shoved into his chest. "Deal with it" he says as he squeezes me tighter.

"Ace" I say as I try and squirm my way out of my grip. "Stop" he says while pulling me back to him. "Ace please, you're too heavy." I say as I start to squirm again. "Im what?" He says as he sits up and places me on his lap so we are face to face.

It's payback time. I look at him with an innocent grin as I wrap my legs around his body. "What are you-" before he could finish his sentence he groans as I grind on him. I go up to his ear, my lips centimeters away. "Is something wrong teddy bear?" I whisper as my lips brush against his ear. "Fuck" he moaned. I feel his erection slowly get harder.

He throws his head back with pleasure. "Fuck, tesoro." he moans as his hands grip my waist. "Fuck" he groanes as he started to quicken my grinding. I put my arms around his neck and slowly start to kiss his jaw line.

He quickens my grinding until his erection grew big enough to go perfectly against my throbbing pussy. Moans escape me as he quickens even more. I grip his hair and he lets out another groan. "Ace" I say. His head positions toward me. Once his head is in reach I crash my lips onto his. He stopped my grinding and I pushed myself down on him which makes him moan. I smirk as I pull away from the kiss. I get up and start to leave his room.

"Paybacks a bitch isn't it" I grin at the frustrated look he was giving me. I quickly walk down to my room and lay down.

The next couple days were like any other but now I was met by Ace ignoring/avoiding me. I quite enjoyed it because it showed me the power I hold over him.

I lay in my bed and shuffle under my covers until I'm comfy. Tomorrow is the day of the party so I'm going to sleep a little bit earlier to make sure I'll be ready. I slowly drift to sleep at the sound of the tv going.

"Malia, are you dressed yet?" I hear Ace's mom say from outside my door. "Almost" I say as I quickly get out of my bed and throw on my clothes. I open the door and Ace's mom looks at me confused. "Are you not going to wear the dress?" she says in a questioning tone. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "The party starts in two hours." she says. "What time is it?" I ask. "Around three thirty" she replies, giving me a smile. "Great" I say, giving her a sheepish smile.

I'm dying. Mentelly dying. I went to sleep early only to wake up late. How the hell does my body work?

"Alright I'm going to start getting ready" she says as she walks away.

I quickly take a shower. After I'm done I let my hair dry then throw on the dress. I put on some light makeup and curl my hair. I then grab the heels and slip them on.

 I then grab the heels and slip them on

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