Men In Suits

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I am now on the plane with two of my old friends to San Diego. Our private jet is stashed full with weapons and some small explosives. I guess you could say we're ready for anything.

"My god" I say as I stand up. I place my hand on the side of my head. "Everything alright?" My friend Meteo asks. "Yep" I say as I stare at the four of him.

Ever since I got the photo of Ace I couldn't do the basic things humans need. Eat, drink, bathe, and so on. My mind would constantly go to Ace. I know he's in pain but how much. Is he ok?

I stumble my way over to the pilot and knock on the door. "Yes" I hear a muffled voice say. "How far?" I ask. I've been bugging the pilot for a while now like a kid would. "Two hours," I hear him say. He is clearly annoyed by the constant question being repeated.

I need him. I need Ace. I never thought I would think something like this about anybody but I have.

I grab the dog tag around my neck and start to fidget with it. As I brush my fingers over the engraved words I can't help but wonder what they mean.

"Malia," I hear Alvo say. I look up and see him chuck a water bottle at me. "Drink it" he says as I catch it.

Alvo is the only one that has noticed me not taking care of myself so he tries to help me.

I groan and open the bottle of water. I stare at the water through the top for a couple seconds before chugging it. I hate water.

I see a smile on his face. I slowly roll my eyes and place my feet on the lap of sleeping Diego. I hear him groan and lightly push on my feet. "Suck it up." I say as I stare out of the window to see the pretty sunrise.

Over the two days of me worrying about Ace, Diego was there. We hung out and got closer. I think he's one of my bestfriends now. Even though I was sad he still managed to make me laugh. As we talked and got close we slowly came up with a plan to help us save Ace. Now if everything goes to plan this should be a piece of cake.

The two hours went by slowly. It mostly consisted of a game of cards, snacks, drinks, and repeat.

"Were here" I hear the pilot say. "BS" I shout. Everybody looks over at me confused. "We are here" Mateo says as he points towards the window.

"I know that" I say as I grab the two cards he placed down. "And I was right" I say as I smirk at the two cards he put down. "Let's just say I win and you guys lose." I say as I push the stack of cards towards Mateo.

"Now let's go get Ace." I say as I hop up and gather my things. "It's nine." Diego says. "So" I say as I look at him. "We have six hours left," he says as he leans back in his seat. "You guys can play" I say as I look at all of them. "I'm going to get everything ready" I say as I put my little backpack on my back.

I hear them all grunt then I hear them get up. "Where are we going?" Alvo asks as he grabs his stuff. "To a bar". I say as I walk out of the jet. I see all their faces light up. "Just kidding" I say as I let out a laugh. Their faces become grumpy as they stare at me.

"Come on now" I say.

We make our way to a hotel we booked that is close but far enough from the meeting location.

"Alright we have five hours till 3:00, let's get ready" Diego says as he places his bag on the bed.

I see everyone nod in agreement and I quickly head into the bathroom.

I throw on a white over shoulder shirt along with some dark grey joggers. I have to act as innocent as possible so I think that this fit will do. For the final touch I put my hair up into a ponytail.

I know I'm not supposed to bring any weapons but just in case I attach a brace to my ankle and slip a pistol in. I then put on some nice black boots and exit the bathroom.

"It's missing something" Mateo says as he looks me up and down. "Put on a light shade of lipstick," he says. I roll my eyes and pull out my makeup bag. I put on a light pink shade along with a bit of mascara.

"So how do I look?" I say as I give them a spin. "Perfect Alvo says as he starts to load up his guns. "We have an extra two hours, is that really necessary" I ask as I raise an eyebrow. "Just incase" he says as he puts some bullets into an assault rifle.

"We can watch a movie in our spare time." Diego says as he grabs the remote.

He puts on the first mission impossible to get him in the "mood" of this mission.

Once the movies are almost over Mateo pauses it and all of them look at me. "Remember we will be with you" Alvo says as he gets up. I nod and hug all of them. "See you guys soon," I say. All of them frown as I back up and leave the room. "Fifteen minute walk to the fountain, I can do this" I whisper to myself as I exit the hotel.

Once I'm in eyesight of the big sign that says "Historical Heart Of San Diego" I see two people dressed in suits smoking. That must be them.

As I inch my way closer to them they seem to notice my presents. Both stand tall. Once I'm a
couple of feet away from them one of them reaches out and takes hold of my wrist harshly. "This way and smile" they say as they start to walk.

We take a lot of turns that I don't remember until we enter a worn down building. "You will give us all the codes to access the accounts or we will kill him" They say as they enter a room.

"I will do it once I have proof that HE is alive" I say as I give them a glare. Both the men look at each other clearly annoyed and let out a grunt. They grab my wrist again and lead me a couple doors down.

Both of them pull out their guns and they open a door. They toss me in, I notice one gun is pointed to me and another away. As I turn around my eyes fall on Ace.

He looks miserable. He's beat up pretty badly and he has bled a lot by the looks of it.

"Ace" I say as I walk over to him. I see him raise his head slowly as he lets out a hiss from I'm guessing the pain.

Once his eyes meet mine I see that his ocean eyes are now a grey color. I haven't seen that in a while. "You need to go," he says as best as he can. I place my hand on his thigh lightly. "It's ok we're getting you out of here." I whisper although I made it look like I gave him a kiss.

"No, you need to go," he stutters. I shake my head as my vision gets foggy. "A life without you is no life at all" I say as I plant a kiss on his forehead.

"Alright there's your proof, now give us what we want." I see Ace slowly raise his head as he looks at me confused. "Ok" I say as I give Ace a wink.

Before walking away I look back at Ace. His face looks worried as he shakes his head.

I'm Backkkkkkkkkk

Hope you guys liked this chapter and thanks so much for almost 60k reads ITs CRAzzZzzy.

*Not Edited*

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