Maybe He Can

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Remember don't be a quite reader. I would love to hear your guys thoughts.😁

When we pull up the driveway to my house I notice that 2 cars i've never seen before in my life are parked in the grass.

I look up at the driver and ask "Mio padre ti ha detto che riceveva visite?"  "[Did my dad tell you he was having visitors?]" He turns around and makes eye contact with me. "Sì, signora, ceneranno con te." "[Yes Ms they will be having dinner with you]" I look at him with a confused look then thank him for driving me.

I get out of the car and start walking to the door. My bodyguard following my every move. When I get to the door I tell him to wait outside. He nods and stands next to the door.

I walk in and am instantly greeted by my dog Dash. He wags his tail and lets out barks of joy to see me home.

I kneel down and am instantly covered by licks. I then stand up and walk into the room where I hear noise coming from.

I poke my head into the kitchen and see 4 guys. They all have grey hair and one of them reeks of alcohol. I enter the room and all eyes turn to me. "Hello" I say while bringing my hand out for them to shake.

Instead of them shaking my hand like I thought they would, they just stare at me. "Awkward", I whisper so only I can hear. I put my hand down and start to head out of the room. "Malia get back here, I have some important news." I hear my dad say as he enters the room from another door holding beer bottles in his hand.

I think to myself Is this a celebration? I walk over close to my dad and sit on a bar stool.

My dad hands out a bottle to all four of them and they instantly take the cap off and start drinking it. My dad hands me a bottle but I decline. I prefer wine.

He starts drinking his and then tells me to go pack. "For what," I ask. You're leaving here. I let out a little laugh and stay put. Hes obviously joking. Right?

"What's so funny?" my dad asks. "So you're not joking?" A say to him. "Why would I be joking?" "This is my house papa, you can't tell me to pack up and leave." "You are my daughter and you will obey me. You will pack up and move in with the Vinceair family. You are to marry their son so we can have the power they have." he says sternly.

Diavolo, no! [Hell no] "You do not come into my house and order me around. I am an adult and can make my own choices." I bark back. He slams his hand on the island and yells back at me angrily. "Puttana del cazzo! Farai come dico, e se non lo farai te ne pentirai. Farò del male a tutti quelli a cui tieni a cominciare da quel tuo fottuto cane." [You fucking bitch! You will do as I say, and if you don't then you'll be sorry. I'll hurt everyone you care about starting with that fucking dog of yours.]

I jump out of my chair and look at my dog that is laying next to the chair I was sitting in. I whistle and he gets up and stands by my side. I walk angrily out of the room and run to the stairs. I then hear him yell "Your mom would want it." I walk into MY room that is in MY house and plop myself on my bed. Dash jumps up and lays down next to me. Fuck my dad. There's no way he can get me out of this house. I think to myself.

After an hour of laying down and staring at the ceiling I finally fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of Dash barking and growling and me bouncing. I open my eyes to see him over someone's shoulder as they walk closer to the front door. Dash bites the person's leg only to be kicked by the man's foot.

I hear him whimper in pain. You can mess with me that's fine but if you mess with my dog that's a whole different story.

I quickly knee the guy in the stomach knocking the air out of him. I then squirm and break out of his grip. I fall to the ground and quickly run to the table next to the door.

I open the drawer and pull out a gun. I quickly put it out of safety mode and cock it. I aim the gun at the guy and he just stands there frozen. My dog runs over to me and sits by my side.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask. "Eh?"

This fucker can't even speak english.

I repeat what I said but in Italian.

His worried face quickly turns into a smirk. I then her Dash bark and then everything went black.


I wake up to see I'm in a car and the back of my head throbbing. I look to the side of me to see who was sitting next to me. I was quickly greeted with Dashes eyes. I turn back to the car door and grab the handle. I pull it but it's locked.

So maybe papa can get me out of the house. I look to see who is driving, and with my luck it's the guy I kneed in the stomach. I scoff and pet Dash.

"Dove stiamo andando?" [Where are we going?] I question only to be ignored. Fuck you too I yell at him.

Hope y'all are enjoying the book so far.

As you can see some people speak Italian in this. But don't worry as you guys see I put the translation next to it.

So far I have 4 views and am very grateful if your reading this thank you.


*Not Edited*

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