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A couple hours pass of me walking around talking to very few people.

I make my way to the bar and sit in one of the chairs. "So your Aces fiance huh." I hear a deep sober voice say. "Yep" I respond making sure to pop the p. "So I'm guessing you're used to the cheating then." I look up at him with a confused look and see him glaring behind me.

I turn around in my chair to see what he was looking at. There he was. A perfectly good view of him kissing Betty. I feel the tears start to form but I don't let them fall. My heart ached as I sat there and watched Ace kiss another girl. I see him pull away and look around. I see his eyes fall onto me as I sit on the chair with a tear running down my cheek. "Yep" I reply to the comment the guy sitting next to me made. I see Ace push Betty away as start walking towards me.

I jump out of my chair and walked as fast as I could in these damn heels. I walked away from Ace and the eyes that stared at me as I did.

My life was meaningless now. My best friend, dead. My mom, dead. The only person on this earth that I thought loved me broke me. No one cared for me anymore. The only option that stood out to me was to run. Run as fast and as far away from this place as I could. I quickly took off my heels and threw them to the ground. I then ran. I ran as fast as my aching body would let me go.

I ran past the front doors, past the guards, past all the parked cars, and across roads until my body was too tired to keep going. As I lay on the spongy grass due to my exhausted body I stare up at the sky and at the beautiful stars. I slowly drift off to sleep as I watch the stars slowly move across the sky. I'm finally free.

I wake up to the feeling of wetness hitting me. I open my eyes and see that it's pouring. I get up and slip off my dress which left me in a sports bra and a pair of spandex. I fold the dress up and start walking. Where do I go now?

I start walking to the only place I know. Downtown. As I walk towards downtown I pass a house and slip on some of their clothes that they had outside hanging. I know it's rude but it was my only option.

After what felt like forever I finally reached downtown. I head towards the cafe where I used to work.

"Welcome" I hear a voice say as I enter the cafe. I force a smile and walk to the back of the cafe where the bookcase is. As I'm about to pull one of the books I hear a voice from behind me "He's gone." the familiar voice said. I look behind me and see that it's the guy that I sat next to last night at the party.

"What do you mean gone?" I ask.

"He disappeared" The man said with a smirk as he removed a gun from his side.

"Just like you will," the man said with a smirk as he cocked the gun.

I stand there unamused. "Aren't you scared?" the man asks, confused. "Scared? Yes. But you see there's nothing I can do. It's a waste of time trying to escape because you'll just shoot me. If I scream you'll shoot me. There's nothing I can possibly do to get out of this situation. So please... just make it quick." I say as I shut my eyes waiting for my fate to happen. "Your wish is my command." the man starts. "But killing you would be too easy. You'll die slowly" He says as I hear the gun go off.

I feel the bullet pierce into me only a couple inches down from my heart. I fall to the floor as screams filled the shop.

I stay on the floor bleeding out as sirens come closer.

"Ms. It's going to be alright," one of the employees say. I give a weak smile to her as everything went black.

*Ace's POV*

She fucking kissed me. It took me a couple seconds to register what was happening but once I did I quickly pulled away.

"Get the fuck off me" I say angrily. "Oh come on. I'm way better than that girl in the car. I'm prettier, I'm better, and I'm at least something unlike her.

I scan the room ignoring what this bitch just said. As I scan the room I see Malia. Her eyes peeled on me as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Fuck you" I say shoving Betty harshly away from me as I walked towards Malia.

I see her get up and start walking away from me. If she thought I would stop going after her she was clearly wrong. I followed her shoving people out of my way as I tried to keep up with her. I follow her outside to see she's running. I start running as fast as I can so her dark figure doesn't disappear and blend in with the darkness but I was too late. Her figure disappeared once she passed the parked cars.

"Fuck" I yell as I kick one of the cars. "Fuck" I yell again. "Ace I hear a girl's voice say. I turn my head towards the voice hoping it was Malia. "Ace,'' the voice said again as the person made her appearance. "Mom?" I ask as I feel a tear run down my face.

"What's wrong?" she asks as she walks closer to me. "I fucked up mom" I say as more tears stream down my face. "What happened?" she asks. "Sh- she left me mom. Malia, she left me." I choke out as a pit in my stomach formed. "She left me" I say as I kick the car next to me. "She left me. She fucking left and its my fault." I yell kicking the car even more.

"Ace" my mom says as she places her hand on my shoulder. I quickly yank it off and continue kicking the car. "Ace!" My mom yells. "Calm down" her voice now worried. "Where did she go?" she asks. "I- I don't know" I choke out as I collapse to the floor.

"Ace" I hear another voice say. I look up to see Betty standing there. "I- its your fault" I yell. I grab out my gun and cock it. I shoot here right in the head without hesitation. I hear my mom gasp as the body falls to the floor.

"A- ace" she said in a shaky voice as she kneered me. I feel her kneel down next to me and place her hand on mine. "She slowly took the gun out of my grasp and put it in safety mode. "No more killing for tonight" she said as she stood up.

"Come on. Well go home and tomorrow we will go search for her." she said as she tried to help me up. " I remember when you weren't even 10 pounds she says as she struggles to help me up.

"You can go home" I say as I get up. "What about you?" she questions. "I'm going to look for her," I say as I start to head out to the last place I saw her."

"Ace, listen to me. You need sleep. You look exhausted." my mom said as she grabbed my arm. "Mom I- I need to find her." I say as the tears fall down my face again. "We will, tomorrow" she said as she started dragging me to the limo we came in.

The car ride to the house was silent. When my mom would try and talk I'd ignore her.

Once we pulled into the driveway I hopped out of the car. I walked into the house and headed straight to her room. Please say she's here asleep. Ple- my thoughts stopped and my heart sank when I opened her door and saw no one in the bed and no tv on.

I take off my suit and tie and throw it on her floor so I'm only in my boxers. I slowly get on her bed and stuff all the covers around me like she does. Her scent took over all my other senses and I could finally relax a little.

"I- I love you." I whimper as I put my arm where she would normally lay.

God she has so much control over me. If she was any other girl I wouldn't care one bit, but Malia is no ordinary girl, she's my girl and I'd do anything for her.

"Ace" I hear Fera yell as she barges into the room. I open my eyes and see her. She looks worried. "Something happened to Malia" she starts. "She's in the hospital" I feel my heart sink at her words. I hop out of bed and run to my room. I throw on some clothes and run towards the car. I open the door and see my mom and Fera already in the car.

After a couple minutes of silence in the car I break it.

"What happened?" I asked as I held back my tears. The only person that's ever seen me cry was my mom and I'm not trying to add Fera to it.

"She-" Fera paused for a moment "She was shot"

Not much to say only that I hope you liked this one.

Next part will be out in a while.


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