Chapter 22 Survival

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

Puffs of air escaped Nya's lips as she raced across the concrete.

The once faint sound of a roaring monster slowly grew louder as she dashed towards the forest.

No. No. This can't be happening.

The water master's blood pressure skyrocketed as the roaring continued to ring in her ears.

Memories suddenly flooded her mind while she took every twist and turn through the thick woods.

Yes, yes, I would gladly like to take your daughter as an apprentice.


I didn't want you involved, Nya. I have no idea who's behind this.


These experiments... these mutations of animals... I think someone's trying to enhance their abilities. If we don't find out whose doing this, then who knows what they could do.


Nya, whatever happens... no matter what happens to me, please just keep yourself, Pixal, and the students safe.

If this gets out of hand, all elementals will be in danger.

They'll be found out, and people will blame them.

They're always blamed for any unnatural events.



Nya arrived on scene only to see the giant monster phasing through the barrier. Her eyes, though, landed on a few figures being dragged with it. She wondered if her mind was just playing tricks on her, but--

"JAY!" she screamed before sprinting towards the barrier.

"Stop!" Nya was yanked back when a hand latched onto her shoulder. The young woman turned to find a figure suited up in a helmet and padded armor as if he were part of a S.W.A.T. team.

"It's too dangerous. Let the professionals handle this," he spoke as vehicles drove into the clearing. Nya narrowed her gaze and pulled out of his grip.

"My friend's in danger, I.. I.. can't..." Nya's vision suddenly blurred as her body started to sway. The figure in front of her simply stared. However, the water master couldn't help but notice the glowing green eyes underneath the figure's helmet. Nya couldn't tear her attention off him.

How about you lie down for a while little one?

The voice boomed in Nya's mind as she clutched her head. It wasn't long before her knees buckled, and she collapsed into the man's arms.

"Hey? What's wrong with her?" a new voice asked in the darkness.

"I think she fainted from shock, I'll take her to the clinic. Just take care of that beast," the green-eyed man spoke before silence came over the young water master.



Lloyd's face collided with dirt the second he was dragged past the force field.

On the other side, there were more trees and an even thicker forest terrain. The crustacean continued with its cries as it thrashed against the ropes. Once the green teen regained his bearings, the tentacle wrapped around his stomach threw him up into the air.

"Aaahhh!!" Lloyd screamed as he flew through the sky. The tentacle then snatched his ankle before he plummeted to the ground. The Cala-Pod then licked its lips as it hovered the teen over its mouth.

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