Chapter 19 Investigation

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Don't fret, everything will be alright...

Pale skin.
Silver hair.
That same beautiful emerald gaze...

Zane couldn't get the girl out of his head. It's been nearly two weeks since his strange disappearance. His father had told him that it was merely a wire snapping that caused the incident, and his friends had said they found him unconscious in the forest.

He didn't doubt what they all said was the truth... but something wasn't adding up.

Zane was use to the strange anomaly that was an android having dreams in the first place. He knew for a long time that he wasn't any normal machine and neither was this dream.

Having the same girl appear every single night since his disappearance wasn't a coincidence. Despite her image being hazy each time, he realized that this mysterious young lady must be an android just like him. Her skin was ghostly white, and her hair seemed stiff and rather shiny against the sun's rays.

"Zane... Zane!" The ice master snapped out his trance and turned away from the dining table. Jay and Kai stood next to the door. The freckled face boy looked over at him while their red roommate was lacing up his shoes. His attire was rather fancier than usual.

"You alright over there?" Jay asked. Zane glanced back down at the table, remembering that he held a mug of tea. He had been nursing the drink for more than a half hour now. It was most likely cold at this point.

"Yes, just lost in thought... where are the both of you heading off to?" the android asked, turning back to face his friends.

"Me and Skylor are going on our dinner date from the bet. She owes me a meal," Kai spoke with a soft snicker.

"And I'm going to help Nya with Tox," Jay admitted, pulling his arms through a coat.

"What's wrong with--"

"She's not been too happy about Heidi disappearing on them and then suddenly moving out... been locked in her room for days," Jay answered with a frown. Zane's shoulders sagged from the news.

"Do you need assistance?" he asked.

"Nah, we'll probably just get take-out and try picking her lock, so she can't hide from us," Jay said with a cheeky grin.

"That sounds... pleasant..." Zane trailed off while growing a weak smile.

"Better than me. I hate seeing that Green Beast this sad... it's... uncomfortable to watch," Kai remarked with a shudder.

"Yeah... well, see you around, Zane," Jay said as the two headed for the door.

"Jay, wait--" the lightning master turned his attention back on the android. His ears perked up, waiting for the blonde to continue. Zane fiddled with his mug for a moment.

"Uh... are you positive that it was only me that you saw in the woods? When you and Nya found me... that day..." The blue roommate froze. Zane noticed that his eyebrow twitch, but his voice came out smooth.

"Yeah, man. Nothing but the occasional squirrel. Something on your mind?" Jay asked while his voice grew a tad too high. Zane watched the young man's not so hidden uneasinesses. He frowned towards his roommate before turning away.

"Nothing, nothing. I was just curious. Thank you... Jay," Zane replied. His tone grew a bit harsh towards the end. Jay cracked a sheepish smile before ducking back out the door.

"What was that about?" Zane heard Kai ask.

"Nothing, Zane was just asking me something." The ice master's frown deepened.

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