Chapter 5 Pain in My Neck!

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One battle after another. The amount of students who hadn't participated in Lloyd's little game was running thin. Jay was gripping his pant legs tightly the whole time. A part of him was glad Kai and Skylor weren't speaking to anyone, otherwise they would have noticed his obvious panic. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he tried to wipe it with his sleeve.

Okay, Jay... you're gonna have to fight soon. But why would he make me fight someone who's clearly more skilled? Did the dean even tell him that I was inexperienced? Maybe it's a test? Maybe he wants to see just how bad I am, but he wouldn't let me die... right? RIGHT!?!

"Alright! You all are dismissed. We'll continue our game Friday," Lloyd called out. Jay looked around the bleachers. He watched as all the students strolled out of the courtyard, leaving a baffled lightning master all by himself. Once he snapped out of his shock long enough, he spotted Lloyd heading towards the gym's entrance. The blue wearing student practically stumbled down the steps towards his teacher.

"Uh, Lloy-- I mean... Mr. Garmadon? Why didn't you... I mean why didn't I fight anyone?" Jay asked the shorter guy, almost looking down at him.

"The dean told me your situation. I'm not going to pin you against any of the other students until you're ready. I just wanted you to see what your classmates were like in battle," Lloyd answered casually.

"Yeah, and they all can clearly crush me..." Jay mumbled.

"I was wanting you to see that no one in this class is a perfect fighter. Trust me, they all have a long way to go. But if you want... I'm free Monday and Wednesday afternoons. I can help you control your powers one on one," the green wearing teacher suggested.

"Seriously? Definitely! Yes, thank you!" Jay nearly shouted in disbelief.

"Two rules, though, no shouting... and I'd like you to keep our meetings to yourself. I don't want my other students thinking I'm picking favorites."

"Will do, thanks Lloyd-- I mean Mr. Garmadon." The young teacher nodded. "How about meeting up from 5 to 6 on both days?"

"Sounds good, see you tomorrow, Mr. Walker," Lloyd finished before heading inside the gym. Jay watched him go with a smile still plastered on his face. However, a weird odor filled the air. Jay sniffed around until he noticed the giant pit stains on his sweatshirt. He smacked himself in the face.

Great... juuust great.

A little bit later, Nya was heading to her programming class with clear stress all over her face. She got to have a quick 20 minute break with Skylor, but the red head was anything but happy.

"I'm going to punch every last drop of poison out of that swamp witch!" Skykor screamed.

"She seriously said that to Kai?" Nya asked. She knew Kai and Tox never got along great, but it's never been this bad. Skylor ignored her question and continued to rant.

"And then I'm going to toss out all Kai's emergency hair gel and burn it with his own powers!" Nya simply stared at her friend with wide eyes.

"Are you done?" Skylor took in a deep breath before exhaling dramatically.

"No... but I'll stop," Skylor replied firmly, tightening her fists.

"Good, because as much as he annoys me, I'd like not to see my brother cry over all his hair gel being destroyed," Nya remarked before checking her phone. "I gotta go. You going to be okay?"

"Yeah... yeah, thanks for listening to my rants." Skylor mumbled as she let her forehead rest against the hallway's wall.

Now, Nya was here. Her mind was still racing like a fox chasing a rabbit.

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