Chapter 4 Struck A Nerve

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Jay let out a loud yawn as he strolled out of his room. He had a bad case of bed head, and his baggy shirt practically draped over him while he headed for the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Jay," Zane greeted as Jay turned the corner. The white wearing roommate sat down by the island in the kitchen.

"Hey, Za--- AAAAHHHH!!!" The ginger screamed, seeing that a part of Zane's forearm was opened up. He noticed a bunch of wires and gears inside. By the sudden scream, Kai and Cole came rushing out of their rooms. Kai carried a large bat, and both guys had similar bed head as Jay.

"WHERE'S THE INTRUDER!?" Kai screamed with his bat, ready to strike.
Jay was white in the face. He simply stared at the android in front of him.

"The... t-t-the robots are taking over... it's just like how the movies said it would," Jay rambled before collapsing to the ground with a loud thud. Banging sounds then went off from underneath the boys.

"KEEP IT DOWN! WE'RE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Nya screamed from below them, though her voice was muffled.
Cole gave a dull look, clearly annoyed he was woken up for nothing.

"Yeah... I guess we should have told him. Zane, maybe not work on repairs before you tell the guy," Cole complained with tired eyes.

"Yes, that would have been better. My apologies, Jay. My arm was malfunctioning a bit," Zane informed their fainted roommate.

"I'm not carrying him to the couch," Kai stated, lowering his bat. Cole turned his attention to the Master of Fire with a raised eyebrow.

"Why the heck did you bring a bat? You literally can make fire with your hands," Cole informed him plainly.

"I always wanted to use it. Guess that dream's not gonna happen today," Kai grumbled sadly. He swung the bat over his shoulder.

"How the heck is that a drea-- nope nope, not going there. It's too early for this," Cole finished before heading back to his room. Kai followed soon after, and Zane strolled over to the bathroom. Minutes later, he came back with a damp washcloth and placed it on Jay's forehead. He snatched a pillow from the couch and placed it under his roommate's head. The android then sat back down by the island, trying to fix the glitch in his system again.

Later that day, after his sudden panic attack with having a robot roommate, Jay headed over to the courtyard. The university had a concrete area right outside the gym for elemental masters to practice their powers. Brick walls covered two sides of the area with one opening on the right. Class was about to start as students filed onto the bleachers beside the back wall. He glanced over the elemental masters, wondering what each of their elements could be. He began to fidget where he stood. Many of the students seemed confident to be there as they chatted with friends. It wasn't the not knowing anyone that scared Jay... it was the skill they possessed to crush him!

"Jay! Hey!" The lightning master snapped out of his thoughts to find Kai, along with his girlfriend, in the back row of the bleachers. The couple waved him over, and the blue wearing student exhaled with relief.

At least there's some people who might go easy on me.

Jay strolled over to them and took a seat on the cold metal bench.

"You guys are in Elemental 101, too?" Jay asked the two, clearly surprised.

"Ugh, yeah. Yet another required course they're making us take. We've been practicing our powers for years. They seriously think we still need this class?" Kai questioned while looking towards his red haired girlfriend. He leaned his back against the railing, and his arms were crossed in an irritated manner. However, Skylor responded with a shrug.

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