Chapter 3 In the Shadows

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Later that day, Jay sat at the island in his new kitchen. He was still looking over the class papers, planning his finale choices.

At the same time, a new person waltzed into the kitchen. Jay glanced up from his papers to see a rather tall blonde. He didn't say hi, give a wave, or even look his way. The ginger wasn't even sure the guy acknowledged he was there. The tall blonde dug through the kitchen cabinets, pulling out pots and pans. He then strolled over to the fridge and grabbed a good hand full of food. A part of Jay was worried the guy was gonna spill something on his pure white jacket, but the blonde was pretty careful with the ingredients. That was a surprise, seeing as the guy looked pretty tired. He covered most of his head with his hood, which made it clear the dude wanted to be left alone. Jay watched the young man get to work: turning on the stove, cracking eggs into the pan, popping bread into the toaster. The Master of Lightning raised an eyebrow at the meal he was preparing.

Breakfast for dinner? Well it is the most important meal of the day.


The door to the apartment swung open and keys could be heard hitting a table.

"Hey anybody home?" Cole asked casually. He turned the corner and made direct eye contact with Jay.

"Oh hey, so you weren't some weird dream I had this morning," Cole stated, setting down his backpack.

"Nope, but I'm pleased to know you dream about me," Jay inputted with a dull gaze. Cole let out a laugh while taking off his shoes.

"I was just messing with you. Hey Zane," Cole replied, glancing at the chef in the kitchen. Zane mumbled something before pulling out a pencil and started scribbling down on a pad of paper, with his free hand. Cole held out his hand to Jay with a smile.
"I'm Cole. Though you probably already knew that thanks to Skylor."

"Yeah, but nice to meet you anyway," Jay replied with a smirk.

"Nice to meet you too," Cole stated before plopping down at the kitchen table, only a few feet away from the island. He then pulled out a wrapped up sandwich, which was about a foot long. "You'll probably see her a lot since her and Kai are dating, so... it's good you already met her." The young man started unwrapping his sandwich with pure joy on his face.

"Uh... I think.. uh Zane is making breakfast/dinner," Jay admitted, seeing all the eggs the blonde was making.

"Eh, this is just a snack. Plus, Zane's gonna be a while with dinner. When he's stuck on an assignment, he'll start making meals. It's a stress reliever," Cole replied in between chews.


"Hey, I'm home!" A new voice called out from behind the corner.

"And the hothead returns," Cole replied with a chuckle.

"Who you calling hothead, dirtforbrains?" Kai complained, tossing his shoes.

"Great comeback... enjoy your date with Skylor?" Cole asked, stuffing his face with his sub.

"What? It wasn't a date. We were helping eachother study," Kai remarked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Uh huh, then I guess her lipstick helps you do that, right?" Cole questioned with a raised eyebrow. Kai's eyes widen as he searched for the supposed lipstick. "Nope, little higher... almost there.. nope now you're colder."

"It's on your right cheek," Jay stated, surpressing his laughter.

"Don't tell him! I wanted to see how long it would take," Cole replied with a grin. Kai rubbed his cheek to feel the sticky red lipstick on there.

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