Chapter 2 No Humans Allowed!

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A/N: Just to let you guys know for future reasons, I'll be making up more elemental masters just so there can be a decent amount of people to fill up a whole university.

"So... Mr. Walker, you haven't scheduled any classes for yourself, yet?" The dean claimed as he set down a file of papers. Jay sat only a few feet from the man's desk. He was definitely not the sweet old man, with the white beard, that Jay met a month ago. The ginger fiddled with his fingers nervously, but he laughed off the question.

"Well, I mean... I didn't know this university actually existed a month ago, let alone know others like me existed..." Jay trailed off.

"Yes but you've gone to other elemental schools in the past, correct?" The man questioned plainly, pushing up his glasses.

"There's other what now?" Jay asked, looking dumbfounded.

"Other elemental schools: elementary, middle school... high school?" He furthered on, seeming surprised by Jay's oblivious gaze.

"I... uh... didn't know that was a thing. Was I supposed to sign up for those?" He asked curiously.

"Your parents didn't enroll you in any of them!?" The man spat in protest.

"My parents and I didn't even know other elementals existed! Did you not hear me say that five seconds ago?!" Jay exclaimed but drew back after the dean sent him a glare. The grey haired man pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh.

"I'm guessing you're adopted?" The dean asked.

"Uh... how did you-"

"Elemental powers are pass down from generation to generation. Your parents would have known about other elemental masters if they were ones..." The old man trailed off while writing some things down. "How good are you at using your powers?" Jay looked down at his hand and shut his eyes tightly. He tried to focus like how he always taught himself. When he opened his eyes, a few sparks flew from his fingers. He glanced back at the dean who gave a clear scowl.

"I was afraid of that... you have less control over your powers than that of a 6 year old."

"Well jeez, way to cut a guy's self esteem down," Jay complained with a frown.

"Elemental schools teach young elemental masters about their history and help control their powers, so they can defend themselves against creatures that wish to drain you of your power-"

"Excuse me did you say... DRAIN ME!?" Jay screamed in a panic.

"Calm yourself Mr. Walker. Yes, there are creatures that wish to steal your elemental power. You've never witnessed one? Surely they would have picked up on your scent."

"Well... my family lives in a junkyard... so..."

"That explains why you smell of expired dairy," the old man muttered before clearing his throat. "Well, I can give you a form with all our classes on it. You may visit classes today to see what you prefer. However, I am making it a mandatory that you take Elemental 101. You are going to need to learn how to control your powers, understood?" The old man questioned while digging into his desk draw.

"Yes, thank you," Jay finished with a smile, but he could feel his body shaking to the bone. The dean handed him the papers of all the classes. The ginger stood up slowly and wobbled out of the office, feeling like he was about to puke.

Meanwhile, Seliel was working out at the gym before her next class. She had been running on the treadmill, while listening to her music, for nearly an hour now. Her pink hair was tied up in a ponytail, and her footsteps were in sync with her rather poppy music. Nobody would ever think the intimidating warrior enjoyed the typical pop music, but she couldn't help it. Pop is just that catchy. However, her work out was interrupted by a group of elementals strolling into gym. No, Seliel wasn't an elemental master. A very small group of students were accepted into the school due to their knowledge of the supernatural, including elemental masters, along with their skills in combat. People like Seliel came to defend the world from monsters and creatures that wish to harm it. These elementals might have been accepted by merely being supernatural beings, but Seliel earned her spot there. She had no time for idiot clowns who still believed they were in highschool.

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