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Tom had managed to subtly modify and, with Remus' help, the memory of Peter Pettigrew, who had forgotten that Remus was a lycanthrope, that Sirius, James and Tom were Animagi, because Peter had decided to "be an Animagus on his own, for fun "Just as he had forgotten the identity of Tom Riddle, he only remembered a diffuse face that invited him to" his side, to be important "and that same face had asked him to" betray the Potters and thus he would have everything that he had always wanted and more "since people still did not know that the real culprit of his murder had been Albus Dumbledore, but neither could they make Peter say Voldemort had spoken to him, because if not, when the truth was known that he had It was Dumbledore, they wouldn't know what to do because otherwise, what had Peter said? No one can resist veritaserum, he couldn't have lied, could he? They were not going to be able to trust Peter's word, so that's why they chose to put that, "a diffuse face" had spoken to him.


Tom was now walking in the direction of the Ministry of Magic with a black box in his hands. Inside of it was Peter Pettigrew and obviously it did not go with his appearance but that of Professor Poer Burke. He already had thought of what to say and what to do. And, with a couple of confusions and a couple of empires, he had managed to get to the Minister's office, claiming that it was urgent, so when he entered, the Minister showered him with questions, and Poer answered all of them.

— You see, Minister Fudge, my name is Poer Burke, I am a defense professor against the dark three at Hogwarts and the other day, at the request of Professor Severus Snape I was collecting some ingredients on the edge of the forbidden forest, when I came across a full man of blood muttering inconsistencies, among them, that he was "innocent" So, logically, I approached to help him, and, as soon as he saw me, he screeched and transformed into a rat, the same one that I bring in this black box, and I must say that It seemed the most prudent thing to come to you to find out who this man is, and why he claims to be innocent— Poer spoke, holding out the box.

— Oh my! An illegal Animagus! There hasn't been a case like this in years, I'm going to have to call a trial right now— Cornelius said, sending flying letters over the internet.

— You are one of the best Ministers of Magic that London can have; and I would really appreciate being able to stay in the trial, to at least be able to know who this man is and if I have the possibility to help him, but if I can't, there is no problem, I would just like you to tell me his name— he said with a smile .

— Well, I suppose it won't hurt if he stays for the trial, after all it will only be something out of curiosity, I don't see the problem, after all you have taken the trouble to bring him here, when could you have taken him to Dumbledore— said the Minister with pride


Tom Riddle had never been happier in his entire life, not even when he had advanced with his followers, terrorizing Muggles and Half-bloods, he could still remember the euphoria, the adrenaline rush at the time of torturing or murdering people en masse. But what I was feeling now was something completely different ... it was even gratifying, if it could be said so, watching Peter Pettigrew say his name out loud in front of the Minister, the judges, the note-takers, and some journalists who they had sneaked in. That was something so precious that he had made him smile in public, which he never did. While the surprise on people's faces was immediate since he had been killed by Sirius Black, wasn't it? People started yelling questions at the same time, although most were asking the same thing ... What had happened to Sirius Black if Peter Pettigrew was alive? Was it really Black's fault? He had been the one who had sold the Potters... but... what had really happened to them? The room at that time was a sea of ​​questions and that made Tom smile even more, because Sirius would be declared innocent at any moment. While every word that came out of the man's mouth was booed by people, since there was no other but to believe him, since he had been supplied with the famous truth serum...

And that was how the Animagus sang what had "really" happened that night: that he had been recruited by a man whose face was blurred in his memories, making him a promise of power, but that to have that he had to betray the Potters. , since he was the guardian of his Fidelio, so he had decided to accept, and give the exact location of where they were, this is how their secret location, had been exposed, vulnerable to attack, and, just a few days later they were murdered, but he had to flee when Black had found him in the Potter house. Pettigrew also recounted how he had been friends with Sirius, James, and Remus, how they had had a group at school, how he had felt out of place with each other, how he had felt inferior, how he had made the decision to betray them, and how He had seen the pain and anger in Sirius's eyes that night, when he arrived on his flying motorcycle, as he tried to escape through the window, how Sirius had run after him and how, when he had been cornered the only thing that he had been able to do was shout in front of the people who were there making them stand as witnesses "It's Sirius Black! It's him! He betrayed the Potters! He has sold them to Voldemort!" to then cut his finger, blow up half the street and, taking advantage of the fact that he was an illegal animagus, transform himself into a rat to mix with each other in the pipes.

People would not stop yelling at him and booing him horrible things, some had even transfigured their scrolls into rotten fruit and stones to throw them.

— Do you realize that we have had an innocent man in Azkaban for twelve years ?! A man we have subjected to the worst misfortune, without even a trial, based solely on visual evidence, I mean, yes it is true that all the evidence pointed towards Mr. Black, but we should have granted him the benefit of the doubt, the privilege del veritaserum, One who is coward does not deserve! We must put posters everywhere, all the wizarding and Muggle countries stating that Mr. Black is no murderer, no supporter of You-know-who, and no fugitive, because he is innocent, he is an honest man who tried to avenge his friends, James and Lily Potter, may you rest well. Not only does he deserve to be seen as an innocent person, but he deserves to come here, to the Ministry, to receive an apology from everyone! And a number of galleons for every year he was in Azkaban!— demanded a woman in a blue suit, blonde, with hazel eyes. And far from receiving boos, she received applause and cheers, to which the judge hit the desk with his wand, shouting that the motion was approved, and that from tomorrow posters with Black's face and the word "innocent" would fill the streets. And that in addition, a howler would be sent to him, asking him to report to the Ministry of Magic to be rewarded...

— The Aurors should bow before him, they have been violent with the men and women who are in Azkaban, and that is no secret. But they have mistreated and made fun of an innocent man! So I want the whole gang of Aurors who were present the night of his capture, bowing before him, asking for his forgiveness and he will be given a new wand, since, as you know, the prisoners' wands are broken the day they enter in Azkaban— concluded the same woman, to which everyone applauded again. And, in those same moments, the judge began to write the howler, asking him to come here to reaffirm his innocence, since, by protocol, another trial had to be made using veritaserum. Stating that he would be given a new wand and a number of galleons for the unjustified twelve years that had happened in Azkaban.

— Straight to Sirius Black— ordered the judge and the Minister's owl left.

— I think we should also give this good man, Hogwarts professor, a number of galleons for having delivered this vermin to the Ministry, since he could well have sheltered him, or delivered him to Dumbledore— suggested a man, to which all they applauded, pushing Tom into the middle of the room ...

— It really is not necessary, I simply act rationally, but if you so wish, I suppose that I will accept the amount you give me without demanding more, just knowing that I have given Mr. Black freedom is gratifying enough for me— He spoke smiling, after all, it was not a lie. And at that very moment, a black owl entered the room and gave a black bag to the judge, who passed it to the woman he had spoken to earlier.

— To Mr. Poer Burke, for his collaborative actions, the Ministry of Magic is pleased to give you the amount of two thousand galleons— she said, handing him the bag.

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