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Harry did not know the level of loyalty and respect that his followers had for him, that is, he did know that they respected him, and that they even had a certain affection for him, since they were grateful to him for helping him and teaching them, which was logical , because they were in their second year, and they had knowledge of a third year student, while Harry was touching the fifth, fifth, sixth seventh, like the floor he was walking on now, because they were heading to the Room of Requirement , because it was time to train, because it was Friday, at six in the afternoon, and, logically, the classes had already ended, and the curfew was at eight, so they had two fixed hours to train, not that really they didn't care about the curfew, because they moved using disappointing spells, or shadows, or silence, so they could return at eleven if they wanted. And they were coming, when they were intercepted by a small group of Gryffindor boys, third year, and Harry did not want a stir, mainly because they were thirteen and the others were four, plus they had no chance against him, or his followers. .

But the first one cast a silent spell, directly at Harry, giving no time for anything, so the spell hit him squarely, and, unfortunately, it was a stabbing one, and it hurt, yes, but it wouldn't give them the satisfaction of watching him suffer, so he remained stoic, standing in place, pretending it didn't hurt, he was a leader! An example to follow! His followers couldn't see him vulnerable to pain! But the pain was cut off, and when he opened his eyes, which he never knew when he closed, he could glimpse Jacob using a torture curse, but it was not the cruciatus curse, it was another that he did not know, but that seemed effective, since The boy who had cast the curse at him was on the ground, Harry could hear his heart pounding, his teeth chattering in pain, and he could see his eyes closed tightly, his face screwed up in a grimace of pain, a pain that He could perceive him, a pain that comforted him, that flooded his senses and made him smile openly, but more importantly, he could see his aura shaking at the shock of magic to which he was being subjected, and, even better, he had seen the determination on Avery's face, a lethal determination that professed the worst for anyone who attempted against their leader. And in the meantime, the others were having fun with other hexes on the other Gryffindors.

— Do not touch him again, lion, or I swear, that I will find out where you sleep, and I will personally take care of murdering you in the worst way, so, I hope it has become clear that you should not touch him again— he threatened, and the others were They stood behind him, wands pointed at his heart ready to strike, yet their pale faces of panic were confirmation enough for them, so Lestrange levitated them a few feet away from them.

— Obliviate— whispered Abbott, who smiled when he saw the confused faces of the lions, and that smile widened when he saw how they tried to stand up and screamed in pain, not knowing what had happened to them. And to say that Harry was surprised was not enough, but soon Avery appeared in his field of vision, and approached him, casting diagnostic spells, and then smiling, seeing that their leader was intact, so they continued their course, as if nothing, until the Room of Requirement, where they spent the next two hours, practicing dueling and potions, where they marveled at Harry's abilities, who almost seemed to be able to foresee their movements, since he dodged them effortlessly, and that is, He actually did, but they didn't know it because they didn't know about Harry's sensitivity to magic, so they were impressed, since that level of skill, they had only been able to see in dueling tournaments, or in battles of Death Eaters against Aurors.

And, when the training ended, Harry called them to sit down, as he was going to explain what his idea consisted of.

— As I had already mentioned, I have some ideas, which will lead us to books, to fame, and here is my idea, to reform the Magic world. I want to restore the old customs, as well as the honor of magic, it does not deserve to be divided, or pigeonholed, it simply deserves to be, because magic is magic, a privilege that we must treasure, care for and respect. It cannot be sullied by celebrating those Muggle stupidities like Christmas or Halloween inside Hogwarts, stupidities that, Albus Dumbledore allows, as well as the Minister allows, old festivals and rites must be recovered, and they must be celebrated from the first year of Hogwarts, showing them to Muggle-borns and mongrels as things are here, because we must not adapt to them, they must adapt to where they belong, with us. That for example, blood supremacy is another stupidity, the young people born of Muggles, and mestizos, are just as good as the pure ones, because they offer new lines of magic, fresh magic, instead the pure ones, which have that ancient lineage of the that they take so much pride in, is starting to wear off, since magic doesn't have a chance to renew itself, it just mixes with more ancient magic, not to mention that in the vast majority of pureblood families there was incest at least twice, An example of this is the Black, there are so many that most of us have a relative related to the Black, if we or our parents are not. while being crossed with Muggle-borns the magic lines increase because it is new magic crossed with old magic, so new possibilities arise. And incest is ... well ... there really isn't much to say, the point is that we cigars must cross paths with Muggle-borns, I know it sounds crazy because they were raised so that the important thing was blood. But no! The really important thing is magic! I want magic to be taught freely in school, so that young people feel their nuclei, so that they feel magic free, without restrictions, that they respect it, in addition, I want to change the Ministry, Everyone's perspective! So that they understand that magic has neither colors nor sides that and must be free. I will reform society and remove prejudices, with your help and participation, we will make powerful alliances. We will be unstoppable! England will be our playground! We will continue through France, through the United States. Everything will be ours! We will be in the books of modern magic, we will be what changes the perspective of everything, including the education of children, so that future generations do not discriminate magic and treasure it properly. We will put important subjects, such as Rituals, Dark and White Cores, Politics, Manners, Holidays, and we will modify the current ones, using programs that include all the magic. I will separate the magical society from the Muggles completely! They used to hunt us! They hate us, why? Why do they fear us, why? Because they are not able to understand! Because they envy us! Because we, we have something that they don't, something that they know that makes us superior, because they recognize that they are inferior— he explained, shouting in some places, seeing the faces of his followers vary in emotions, with a maniacal smile, and the first in Raising the wand was Avery, who was ecstatic, Harry could feel his magic pulsing in the environment... And he was followed by Nott, Lestrange, Malfoy, Bulstrode, Abbott, Zabini, Rosier, Pucey, Carrow, Parkinson, and finally the brothers Travers. It was like a silent oath, because a golden thread touched them all, connecting them with Harry, who was brimming with happiness, he had eleven of the twenty-eight Saints, telling Burke, who should know about this.

— I need you to be especially careful with Director Dumbledore, he has been watching me, and for obvious reasons, we cannot do anything against him, so I want you to buy a protective amulet when the holidays come, something small and different each one! That is very important— He clarified and everyone nodded.

— Well, go to sleep, it was a very good session, I am very happy with your progress, but Professor Burke had sent for me, so, you will understand, I must go— he said with a nod.


Harry walked, somewhat tired, to his teacher's office, and told him about the training, omitting the Gryffindor issue, as well as telling him that he had explained his ideals to the boys, and that they had all agreed with that.

— You are an exceptional young Harry, and I'm sure you will go down in history, believe me that at no time did I doubt that you were able to convince them— Burke praised him, patting his shoulder, making Harry smile, who, by now, already knew that she could count on and trust the man, so she had decided that he would be her confidant. And the older one knew this, not for nothing was a bundle in Legislative, so he had decided, that the following year, when he was in third grade, and was a more mature, he would tell him the truth about who he really was, and about what had really happened to his parents... Although he feared that his reaction was to want to murder the old man, that is, it was understandable, because he wanted to do it too, but Harry could have serious problems if he did such a thing, but he was removed of his musings for a question that the minor asked him.

— Would you like to come to one of our meetings? I mean, he could help us or even participate, he could have a duel with you— he offered with longing eyes, and he couldn't deny her that, he couldn't deny her anything in fact...

— I would like nothing more than a duel with my favorite student, time and place? —He asked with a sly smile, and the minor felt a flutter in his stomach when Poer said "my favorite student" so he smiled

— Monday at six o'clock, seventh floor, the Room of Requirement— Harry affirmed, and, after greeting him, he left... Leaving the oldest alone, who was left mulling over the matter, he really needed to get back into action, and fighting Dumbledore's Order of the Chicken had given him an eleven year head start! Albus was getting older and less skillful as time went by, and, added to that his plans had gone awry because Potter had turned out to be a one hundred percent Slytherin, he had to take the opportunity to play his cards, to advance ground silent, to beat the old man... His father would be proud of Harry, and he would end the tyranny of that son of a bitch, for James, for Lily, Sirius... for all of them.

While, on the other hand, Harry went through the list of followers, since he knew that all his followers were pure, also, he was aware that not all were part of the Sacred Twenty-eight, so, he made the list to a side, and, with her stomach fluttering, with the words of her favorite teacher in mind, she went to sleep, with a smile, and she was small, but there was the smile... 

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