Delayed response

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The next nine days passed uneventfully. Tom Riddle hadn't left his room much, with the excuse that he was feeling bad and had to do a few things for the next year, however, he had managed to gather the courage to tell Lucius about the letter from Gringotts.

— Magic is wise, and it does not unite two souls without knowing that they are for each other, however, I understand your anguish, and your decision not to say anything is right for me — Lucius said, taking a sip of fire whiskey.

— I don't know Lucius, this is all very complicated, it's almost the same as an arranged marriage. What if he falls in love earlier? Or if you have a partner? What if I don't attract him? What if he hates me when he finds out? Or if it disgusts you? What if we are unhappy?— Tom was nervous, his palms were sweating, so he took a sip of his coffee

— I think you are a very strong person Tom, another, in your place he would be drowning his sorrows in alcohol, or perhaps he would be dead, the important thing here is that what has to happen, will happen— commented the patriarch making the blue-eyed sigh.

And, just as promised, Harry showed Bella the Speculum, which she vowed to use against an enemy whenever she got the chance.

— I warn you, the disgusting eating magic, well, actually it all depends on the individual, for example, your magic was bitter, on the other hand Narcissa's ... er ... right now I don't remember what its color is exactly, but I feel like it must be sweet Like honey —Harry commented.

— Y-you ... Can you see it? T-the magic ?!— Bellatrix asked with wide eyes

— Yes — he answered, playing with his wand.

— Y? How is it!? — She asked

— It is ... like a veil, a kind of cloak of sparkling particles that surrounds each wizard and witch, different colors, sizes, emotions and textures, green, red, blue, black, bigger or smaller, silky, wild or bitter, there are of all colors and flavors, for example, Tom's is blue, quite wide, rough, attractive, seductive and cautious, while yours is an indigo, pointed, rebellious, wild and uncontrolled— I comment, still playing with his wand between his fingers. The curly-haired woman took him by the shoulders and held him.

— You do realize that that ability would make you the best duelist of all!? You can fight with your eyes closed and feeling the magic, in the dark you can ... — her voice trailed off as he seemed to think at full speed, and it was then that his eyes widened.

— That's why you beat me in the duel the other night!— She yelled, he smiled arrogantly nodding.

— I really enjoyed my stay here, I learned a lot and I am grateful that they allowed me to visit their library and explore the surroundings. I appreciate the wonderful experience that Bellatrix gave me, but I have to go back and take care of some... matters— he said making his suitcase appear.

— I'm glad you had a good time— Narcissa smiled. He hadn't said goodbye to Tom though, since he hadn't come downstairs, which had annoyed him, more than he wanted to admit, wasn't he his favorite anymore? Had he done something wrong that Tom didn't want to fire him? Why had she been avoiding him since the soup? Was he angry with him? Why hadn't she greeted him even remotely? With one last sad look, sidelong to the stairs, and, hoping that he would come down and hug him goodbye, Harry drove straight to his Hogsmeade mansion...

Lucius went up as soon as Harry left, since, he had not missed the way he had looked at the stairs, so he knocked on the door, and, when he received the affirmative, he entered, closing the door behind him. Tom was confined reading, which made his anger grow even more

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