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"Tom the meeting starts in ten minutes" the patronus dissolved as soon as the message ended, to which he sighed. With a simple transfiguration spell, he changed his winter clothes to a black suit with a white shirt, a black cape with a green interior and some snakes on his shoulders, on the way he reminded himself not to have any outbursts or Albus would notice that something if there was. He knew, there was nothing between them but there was everything...


He arrived at the headmaster's office and saw in it Minerva McGonagall, wearing her classic green and black Scottish robes, Severus in his usual black set of clothes, Dumbledore wearing his ridiculous purple robes with white stars. But in the individual chairs were, Ronald Weasley in his Gryffindor uniform and his mother Molly Weasley, in a burgundy skirt, a brown and gold jacket, and a burgundy tunic.

— Am I late? — he asked politely

— Just in time Professor Burke— McGonagall said, so he stood next to Snape, both with faces devoid of any expression or feeling ...

— Well, I want to know that it was so important that they call me at school, Ronnie is not a naughty child, in fact they had never called me about Fred and George, when they did something wrong they only sent me letters, so tell me, What happened? —questioned the matriarch with irony, which angered Tom.

— Mr. Weasley had a row with a fellow Slytherin— McGonagall commented, trying to be gentle.

— Oh! But those are classic Minerva house rivalries! I'm sure they will have subtracted his twenty or thirty points, there is no reason to do so much drama, it could also have been any other boy, my Ronnie is not like that— she assured with a false smile, pinching her son's cheeks... The mere presence of this woman made him want to murder someone, she was more hateful than Dumbledore... much more

— In fact, Mrs. Weasley, it was not a simple brawl, and, in fact, a hundred points were deducted, since, in the first place, it is certain that it was your son because I found his magic signature myself, second, it was not a curse of jelly legs, or to paint hair. His son pushed Harry Potter from a fourth floor, which is why he is disabled, in the infirmary, in a coma, because his brawl opened his skull, at one in the morning!—He explained Tom annoyed.

— Harry Potter?! Ronald I'm very dissg- Wait, but Minerva said a Slytherin— she said confused

— That's right, Mr. Potter is a Slytherin," Snape spoke in a cold voice.

— It was Potter who got out of curfew," she defended.

— Your son too, Mr. Potter didn't fall down the stairs alone, did he?— Minerva warned with a frown

— Harry will be... punished when he wakes up, which wouldn't be necessary if your son hadn't thrown him off a fourth floor! With Sirius Black hanging around! I found it an hour and a half later! What if it was Sirius Black who found him?! What would have happened?— Tom said annoyed

— Professor Burke is right Mrs. Weasley, what happened was not child's play. Young Potter really could have died. And what would the world do without his beloved savior?— The irony and mockery were obvious in Snape's tone, but it was Dumbledore's turn to pale, for if Harry died earlier than planned the things wouldn't turn out the way he needed them to ...

— Ah, Severus is right— Albus commented absently.

— So?— She asked, clearly tired and annoyed.

— There will be no way out to Hogsmeade— McGonagall said, to which everyone nodded, and before the youngest could speak Poer spoke first.

— Not only this month Mr. Weasley, there will be no output throughout the year, although in my opinion it is little, they should educate him at home. You do not want everyone to think that the Weasleys spoil her children— he said sternly, and she paled, she had enough with poverty and social rejection

— You are right Professor Burke, and Ronnenkins will be severely instructed at home and his permission to Hogsmeade is revoked, I am deeply sorry for what he has done, I would like to see Harry if possible— she asked and the slightest sigh.

— I'm afraid Mrs. Weasley that visits for Mr. Potter are not enabled, he needs a lot of reassurance for his recovery, and, even if they were enabled, we are outside visiting hours— Minerva explained.


Tom came to his room tired, he had happened to see Harry and he was still the same, he saw the curtains on his bed closed and sighed.

— Sirius?— He called, not wanting to interrupt anything, but the curtains were opened, showing Remus, with Sirius on his chest asleep, both wearing only pants and he smiled.

— I'm very sorry Tom, you know how Sirius is, he wanted some spice and then he started crying and, well... you know how he is... We must do something with Pettigrew, he ... really needs to go to St. Mungo's, he needs to talk of what happened there in Azkaban, in order to move forward, but he refuses to talk to me, and I doubt that you have been able to get anything out of him— the honey-eye complained, stroking Sirius's hair.

— And did you get to? With your relationship I mean— he asked as he put on his pajamas.

— I love him, and he loves me, and that it will be like that until the end of times, but don't worry, we are going to fight over some nonsense, like when we were young, because Sirius is never going to change— Remus commented smiling.

— Well, really... you are a beautiful couple, and you deserve to be happy with each other, after all you had to go through— he said, yawning. — But I haven't forgotten that you left my house, Lupine, we'll talk about that— said Tom, and then fell asleep on his bed next to the couple.

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