Night out

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It was normal to see Harry accompanied by his "entourage" as everyone called them. However, he very much enjoyed solitude, silence and his own company, something his uncles had accustomed him to since he was a child that is because he walked through the corridors at twelve at night, he knew there was a curfew, but he didn't care because he knew Black was harmless and wasn't going after him. Besides, they had only been playing with Peter yesterday. But now he needed to clear himself, he had to inform that he already had the ink and the design, he would use the Celtic spiral, since it seemed the most appropriate. Harry knew that his followers would be angry if they found out that he had gone out alone, not that he cared much anyway, he understood it though, because they cared for their teacher, he had that very much in mind, and he knew that they were able to give their lives, which made him feel powerful, had achieved such a level of adoration and loyalty, that those young people were willing to die for him, because of him ... He looked at the clock on the wall, he had just struck the one in the morning, he was surprised, not thinking that so much time had passed, he rambled on as he advanced. And it was because he was distracted that he could not notice the presence behind him, not until it was late ... As soon as he felt his body being touched by a wild magic he turned around, saw the face of Ronald Weasley, managed to conjure a shield charm , in case the redhead was stupid enough to try to cast some stupid spell, like the boil spell, or the curse that joins your legs, one that lions used to use against snakes very often ... But it was because A magical attack was expected that could not be defended, the redhead lunged at him and pushed him from the chest back, however, Harry had developed very good reflexes, so he immediately turned his foot to lean on the back one. But no matter how good reflexes the green-eyed man had, unfortunately he had no eyes on the back of his neck, and that was why he couldn't see that the ladder behind him had moved, so his foot floated from him in the void.

He felt everything in slow motion, he felt himself fall, the wind on his back and the hush of the air around him, he saw the paintings looking at him, and the victorious expression on Weasley's face, until he felt a crack on the part behind his head and a strong pain in his knee and back, so he thought he had run into some secret step that had saved him, so he tried to get up, but the pain was great, his eyelids seemed like lead and closed. .. But what he did not know was that he had fallen from the fourth floor. However, the pain only allowed him to scream for a second, before his eyes closed, he had no time for anything, other than thinking about Tom, because everything went black.


Tom was tired, today they had played the rounds in case some silly brat went out of curfew, which irritated him too much, that is, they were really stupid, they did not realize that they did that for their own safety and they were they painted her as rebels. He conjured a lumus and advanced while he thought about what to do with the rat ... Sirius slept in his room, behind the couch, on a pillow in his animagus form, hidden, in case someone entered his office. He checked the clock on the wall, which read two fifty a.m., at three he was tagged with Severus.

He still remembered Harry's "jealousy", when he had asked if Black had slept with him, he had been able to see the annoyance in his eyes and he had wanted to smile, a part of him told him to tell him the truth, everything, he told him that I should tell him ... But he couldn't. No! Harry had to find out for himself. The good thing was that Sirius had not taken it as badly as he expected, he had been ranting against him and his age for a long time, but Tom had assured him that he would learn to love him and take care of him as he deserved, so the gray-eyed had no other choice to accept, since even if they were against it would be of no use, the magic mother had already marked them.

It was when he was going down the stairs that he came out of his musings, because he smelled blood and was scared, worried that someone had hit himself, he followed the smell down the stairs.

— No! Shit! No, no, please!— He yelled when he saw Harry's body, his right knee in a visibly painful position and his head surrounded by a pool of blood. One spell, one was enough, he was here about two hours ago, and with another spell he knew the magical signature of the culprit: Ronald Weasley. He used another spell to conjure a towel, which he placed on Harry's head, then carried him into his arms and ran to the infirmary.

— Professor Burke!— McGonagall's voice made him turn around, but he didn't stop running

— This is not the time, Minerva, Mr. Potter was pushed down the stairs— he said.

— Oh Merlin! How is he so sure that they attacked him? What if it was Black?— She joined him running.

— The magical signature of one of his lions was there, Ronald Weasley, he does not get along with Potter and he is not a boy who jumps from stairs, I warned the head of his house and the director - he ordered and she turned in a hallway, still running


— Poppy!— He yelled when he got to the nursery, she appeared with her red and white apron, and when she saw the red towel she took him to a stretcher, dripping blood on the floor. Madame Pomfrey waved her wand over the minor's body several times, in various directions and muttering various things. She was frowning and flashes of light came from the boy's body.

— Only ten more minutes Professor Burke and Harry wouldn't have stayed with us — she said on a sob, as she searched for vials, and Tom's body suddenly began to weigh in an inexplicable way.

— B-but h-he's fine right? What wrong?— He asked concerned and she put a hand on his shoulder.

— I cannot lie to you professor, Harry is not well, he is quite bad, his skull has been perforated, but I am already repairing it, it will be a slow recovery and he must be asleep for ... a week I suppose, besides that, he has a acute picture of malnutrition, which was cured by its magic itself, if you want you can stay with it, my mother was a healer and once told me that I should talk to people who are asleep, since they can hear you even asleep and that makes you happy, it is seen that you are an important person in his life, but don't worry, I'm going to heal you— she assured, to which he nodded somewhat more calmly, sitting next to the table where Harry was lying, pale and slept

— You know, you would be a great head of the house— she said while conjuring several jars with liquids and creams.


— Where is he ?!— The door was abruptly opened and McGonagall entered followed by Snape, he also gave them a silence as he walked away from Harry's bed.

— Burke?— Severus demanded uneasily

— I was doing my rounds, from one to three am, I was going to the relay, since after three it was your turn, and when I was going down the stairs I saw him on the floor, the magical signature of the youngest of the Weasleys was there, is of course he pushed him and let me tell him something Minerva, that's not child's play, Weasley didn't steal a chocolate frog from him, he made an attempt on his life! I may not be the head of the house, I may only be a teacher, but one who cares about his students, and if you do not punish that boy, I will personally see to it that he receives a punishment— Poer said

— I know Professor Burke, it's serious— Minerva sighed defeated, looking at the brown-haired boy, who was lying unconscious on one of the stretchers.

— The punishment of that boy will be exemplary, I want to be there with Severus in your office when that happens— He spoke in a tone that did not allow for replies, so she nodded, and, promising to contact the boy's mother and Dumbledore, He greeted them and left.

— Well Tom, now the truth— Snape asked looking at the boy.

— Severus, is it the truth ... or are you questioning me?— Tom replied annoyed.

— No— said the potionist, he did not forget that he spoke with a Dark Lord ... And Tom did not forget that he was a Dark Lord either... 

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