CHAPTER 26: A sudden proposal.

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"This is fucking crazy,"  Tanya heard coming from her bodyguard's mind.

She looked at him with surprise, "no need to be vulgar," she scolded him.

"With all my respect, and though I think just the same, I was just translating, Niruha,"  he replied to her.

Tanya looked at Enoria who seemed not to be able to digest what she had told her, "I know this is a lot of information but, if you think about it, everything makes sense, doesn't it? That may also be why that warrior, Mugwang, didn't die of the curse I put on him, by stepping in, as a member of the sacred lineage too, you must have canceled it."

The Priestess didn't get an answer but she could hear the numerous interrogations coming through the confused mind of her friend. 

The room was silent for a moment before Enoria scoffed, "this is ridiculous," she murmured. She couldn't understand why her father hadn't tried to save the members of their tribe if he knew they were going to be attacked, just like she couldn't believe he had accepted his death so easily and that, just because a black wolf had told him in a dream to do so. She felt hurt that her father had hid from her the reasons she was the different one in their tribe. She didn't want to accept the Gods had "chosen" her after everything they had made her and the people she loved go through because she didn't want to believe they could be that cruel. "I am not doing that," she said as she stood up to leave, "I am not and I don't want to be who the two Wolves told you I was."

Tanya stood up too and grabbed her friend's wrist to prevent her from leaving, "'No matter how you deny your calling, even if you forget about it, it will never forget you,'  those were some of the last words my mother told me before she died. You can't deny who you truly are or escape from what you are destined to be or do just because you are upset or afraid."

The Igutu sighed, she wasn't afraid, she just didn't want to have a special destiny because it meant responsibilities she didn't want to have and expectations she didn't want to be obliged to meet. "Couldn't we just talk about that later? I need some air right now," Enoria said.

Tanya was about to protest when soft knocks were heard and the maids who were supposed to prepare the Priestess for the night announced themselves. She also heard her bodyguard's thoughts asking her to let Enoria go for now to give her some time.

With a sigh, Tanya accepted her friend's request and the Igutu escaped from the room just the same way she did with the conversation she didn't want to have so that she could make -or at least try- to make her thoughts clear on everything she had learnt.


After Enoria had left the room, Tanya sighed again, she hadn't authorized her maids to come in yet and was making them wait outside, she still needed to talk about what she had seen in her dream but the one she could talk to had left. She looked at Yangcha wondering if he would answer her questions if she asked them to him. She tried to invade his head but his thoughts were quiet, maybe he was blocking her from hearing or maybe he wasn't even thinking, she didn't know but she didn't like not hearing him. "You obviously are one of the two protectors the Black Wolf told me about so are you really half an Igutu?" she finally dared to ask the warrior who simply looked at her then nodded to Tanya's surprise. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why would I have told you?"  he asked, confused about the question.

He wasn't wrong, it wasn't like they were friends or something and still, she felt as if she had been left out and she didn't like feeling like that. "The two protectors are brothers so do you know who is the second one?"

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