Chapter 12: Neil's Mega Strategy

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"Turtonator!, Primarina!, Vikavolt!
The Alola team sent out their ace pokemon with Kiawe sending out a huge Red tortoise with spikes on its backs.

(Alright Kiawe will stop Nick and Leo from Attacking with Turtonator's defensive build, while Lana will assist him with her Z move Oceanic Operetta to finish them both off, then I'll beat Neil's psychic type with my power new move bug buzz) Sophocles thought to himself until.

"Mega Blaziken go!" Neil tosses out a mega evolved pokemon right out from his ordinary PokeBall making everyone in the stadium shout "Hehhhhhhhhh!".

Trixie was dumbfounded "A mega pokemon?! Without the use of a mega ring?! That's impossible! Is that even legal?!" She yelled checking the database "apparently Neil's registered it under natural augmentation" she finished.

"Hmph, I'm always 1 step ahead, behold everyone! The power of my Man made mega stone" she showed everyone an orange stone in his hand "it makes mega evolution permanent for pokemon who want it, but it can also be reversed by my Nega stone too!" He shows a black stone to everyone in audience.

"You should be in Advertisement Neil hehehe!" Leo laughed at his teammates.

"Oh shut up" Neil retorted.

"Hahahaha!" Nick laughed easing his earlier nerves.

I'm the audience The crowd were talking about how amazing Neil's invention was
"Imagine having a fully mega evolved pokemon all the time!"
"Yah! I want one of those stones"
"His pokemon isn't in pain either"
"I thought he was crazy but I guess he's a little bit saner".

In the bleachers Grimsley smiled and continues watching.

Back to the fight
Sophocles was already panicking but Kiawe put a hand on his shoulder "our plan can still work" he said.

But at that moment Nick and Leo brought out their own Pokemon
"Pikachu!", "Vivillon" Nick sent out a yellow mouse pokemon with a red scarf around his neck and Leo sent out a beautiful butterfly pokemon with flame patterns on its wings.

"oOoOO what an interesting choice of pokemon against the Bulky Alola team! Well enough talk Battle start!" Trixie announced and the battle begins.

"Alright let's do as we plan....." Before Sophocles could finished he was met with an insane situation "huh?!"

Neil's mega Blaziken a red fighting Rooster with flames emitting from its arms had blitzed all 3 of the Alola Pokemon in mere seconds.
"Fire spin!" The scientist yelled and the rooster created a vortex of Fire separating the trio instantly from eeach other.

"So fast! I couldn't even register what just happened!" Trixie yelled the crowd were also in disbelief.

"Vivillon get Turtonator!" Leo commander and his butterfly flew towards the Tortoise.

"Easy win, Shell trap Turtonator!" Kiawe yelled.

"Turt!" The fire turtle turns its back revealing it's red glowing spikes.

"Kiawe no!" Sophocles yelled but it was too late.

'Boooooooooooom!' as soon as the tortoise shell began to glow an explosion engulfed it completely.

"Tuuuuuuuuuur!" It screams in pain as the explosion did a great amount of damage to it's body.

"Turtonator!" Kiawe shouts worried about his partner (what just happened.

"Heh! You should know better when fighting the Technician of the team!" Leo yells smiling "Finish it with Psybeam!" As soon as he said this the Butterfly unleashed a multi colored beam knocking out the turtle immediately after.

Pocket Monsters: Pasio MastersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang