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   Jaden lead you to to a fitting room, for a fitting room this is quite large.  She hands you the dress and quickly made her way to a table that has a bag. "Call me when you're all dress up." She said.

You nodded despite her not seeing you. Locking the door you face the mirror and started to strip all your clothes off your body. You stared at the dress that Satan was going to buy you, you immediately blush when you recalled what he said earlier. You then shake your head to calm yourself down, you wish you were in your room. You really need a pillow to shout on right now.

You then started to wear the dress slowly and gently, making sure you don't actually manage to tear its fabric. It didn't take long and the dress was comfortable just to your liking, it wasn't either too short or too long. You unlock the door and called Jaden.

Upon hearing her name, the young woman excitedly jog towards you. "Here follow me!" She extended out her hand and you grab it, extending your own hand. She lead you to a chair that was in front of a light pink table with a mirror attached to a wall where the table was pushed on. The said mirror has also light pink thick outline with small lights was stick upon it.

You stared at yourself in a mirror once more, you noticed the many make-up tool and more on the table. You've never seen one this many aside from Asmo's room, it's really fascinating. It's like everyone has one of these. "So, [Y/n] let us first start with you hair." Jaden said, picking up a milk colored wooden brush from the table. 

Her hand reached up at your hair to touch it and she started brushing your hair. You felt the teeth of the brush run through your scalp, you remember when your mother always brush and fixed your hair for you when you were little. Who knew letting someone tend to your hair can bring so much childhood memories. You can't help but smile and Jaden seemed to notice it, making her secretly smile as well.

"What kind of hairstyle do you want?" Jaden ask, after brushing your hair until it was now silky smooth. You pondered, you don't really style your hair, you either fix it into a ponytail or let your hair loose.

"I'll let you choose, though when I am eating I don't want my hair getting in the way." You said, after hearing this Jaden nodded her head slowly. Thinking what perfect hair would suit you. As she looked at you from the mirror, just letting your [h/c] hair loose was a perfect fit for you but it will surely be in your way in terms on eating.

​​​​"Well why don't we just put a clip on each side of you head, that'll make your baby hair in front stay still and it won't ever get in your way." Jaden suggested, it was a simple hairdo but you like simple things so you agreed and the female happily nodded as she opened the table's drawer.

"You're one lucky girl aren't you [Y/n]." Jaden started, getting two beautiful black cat shaped clips with small diamonds as its eyes and a shining light pink gem as its nose. You stared at awe at the clips and almost forgot to ask the woman why you are a so lucky girl.

"Why do you think I am lucky?" You ask, you stay still as a rock as Jaden was now carefully placing the clips where she imagine it to be. It was hard staying still as you see yourself in the mirror, it felt a little... Um... Weird?

"Well, getting a date from one of the Prince's of Sebun is really something almost every girl in this kingdom would kill for." You smiled, recalling Satan's charming smile, his emerald green orbs twinkling everytime he sees something his interested in. His soft blonde hair flows everytime he moves. You pinch your palms and stopped yourself from thinking of the 4th born.

"Well, I-I... Guess so, though at first I thought he just want me to accompany him and needs help." You said truthfully.

"And you seem close with the Princes." She said, finishing attaching the clips on either side of your head. She then proceeds to open another drawer, pulling out a small purple spray with white writings on it and design.

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