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"[Y/n]! The hell is happening?!" You heard Mammon's voice, he sounded really worried. He emerged from the crowd taking in the scene in front of him. 

"What happened here— Barbatos? What are you doing here?" Mammon sets his gaze on your savior who was named Barbatos. Barbatos faced Mammon and bowed his head, all the while putting his right hand on his chest.

"Good evening Prince Mammon. I came here to relay a message from Lord Diavolo and while I was on the way to the palace I heard that you were in Sebun's casino, so I came here to greet you." Barbatos explained all the while maintaining his composure, like nothing occurred earlier.

"Your highness!" The man from before who tried to assault you cried out to Mammon, slightly getting away from the two guards who aid him to stand. "I was minding my own business until this man suddenly attack me!" The man pointed at Barbatos.

"Huh? Barbatos?" Mammon exclaimed, obviously confuse. 

You were about to intervene and say something but the man beat you to it. "Yes your highness! I was sent flying and the people saw me crashed to the ground, right everyone?" 

The crowds of people started nodding their heads as whispers arose as well as harsh stairs at Barbatos. One of the guards who was helping the man stand up was now heading towards Barbatos.

"Barbatos wouldn't do that that unless you piss him off or he did that because he has too. Barbatos will ya explain what happened?" Despite being in a panic state earlier, Mammon was somehow carefully managing to solve the problem. He was willing to listen to both sides, not to mention he looks calm now and somehow mature at this moment.

"Gladly Prince Mammon. As I said earlier I was looking for you so that's how I ended up here, while I was looking for you I heard a cry from one of the hallways that leads to the restrooms and so I investigated. There I witness this despicable man trying to sexually assault her." Barbatos gestures his hand to you and continued, "He was being stubborn to let her go so I have to use force, not to mention he was the one who attacked first."

Mammon furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the man. "You were trying to hurt [Y/n]?" He ask the man as his blue and yellow gradient eyes pierced through the man.

He doesn't look angry but only had a slight frown on his face. "No your majesty! He's absolutely spouting lies!"

"No, it's true! That man tried to harass me! Good thing Mr. Barbatos came to help." You said glaring at the man. He was sweating all over, eyes shaking, knees getting weak as he try to say something but nothing came out.

"You are under arrest, guards will you please?" The guards nodded and apprehended the man. Once he was out of sight from everyone, the people surrounding us slowly disperse so did the whispers.

You sigh, what a tiring day. You were quickly wrap into a hug, white hair was tickling your cheeks and Mammon's warm body made you relax in no time and gladly returned his hug. Mammon realize what he was doing and quickly draw back from the hug, his cheeks flush and was avoiding eye contact.

Clearing his throat he turned to face Barbatos. "Anyway you're going to the palace right Barbatos? I think it's about time we head back too, so let's go." Mammon started walking, approaching the stairs that leads to the first floor. 

Once you reach outside, all three of you headed inside the carriage, of course Mammon being to be the first one inside. You opted Barbatos that he should go first but he stubbornly decline as he made you go in first. You didn't argue anymore and just oblige. You sat beside Mammon and Barbatos was across from you and Mammon.

As if automatic the carriage started moving once the door was closed. "I am surprise that you two know each other, perhaps she is your fiancée?" Barbatos ask a smile adorning his face looking at you two back and forth. 

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