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   A day pass and today was the day where the Princes will arrange their donation for the town of Hinkon. You made sure you wake up early so you can help, also Prince Lucifer assigned you to help the princes with their assigned task. You were glad cause you knew he trusted you in the short time you were here in the Palace.

You were skipping down the hallway, wondering who should you help first. You wanted to help everyone and visit the said village they're about to give the donation too, and it'll be a good opportunity to wear one of the clothes that Asmo bought.

"[Y/n], over here!" You saw Beel, head peeking out as he waved his hand for you to see.

You smiled and walk towards him, as you got closer he held the white door open for you to enter. Once you went in, you realize that you were inside a kitchen.

"Good thing I saw you [Y/n], I need your help to organize the food in their respectful boxes and if there's anything heavy you can just ask me to lift it for you." He said, a smile plastered on his face and you couldn't help but giggle at how he eyed the food.

"Sure, shall we start?" You ask, Beel hum and the two of you started to work.

You went towards the counter and drag one empty box and settled it on the white counter. There were many varieties of food placed everywhere, most of them were canned foods, bottled water and easily cooked food such as noodles and stuff.

As you were in the middle of helping Beel you can't help but thought about the Prince who pushed you out of the way. You didn't know if he's participating or not so you didn't know if you would help him or not. At the end you just decided that you shouldn't approach that Prince yet, for you guys haven't met in a pleasant way.

"Hey Beel, can you move this boxes? I've finished with this."

"Sure." Beel got off from his own work and went towards you. As he got closer you could see the droplets of sweat on his skin, they were like crystals that costs a fortune. At this time you admitted that Beel looked hot.

You mentally slapped yourself and set your gaze off from Beel. He lifted one of the box with his right hand and another box with other free hand, both boxes settled on his broad shoulders. 

"Thank you Beel!" You exclaimed, he gave you a nod and smile and went off to put the box on a much spacious place. 

You continue to fill the last box you have with donations to the brim. 

"I see you two are managing just fine." You turned around to see Lucifer standing not too far away from the door, arms cross and has a little smile upon on his lips.

"Yeah were almost done." You exclaim and gesture for the the finished product, which earned a nod of approval from the the eldest Prince. He then set his gaze towards Beel and raised an eyebrow at his younger brother.

"Beel you didn't eat anything didn't you?" Beel shake his head side to side.

"Are you sure? It seems at the last moment I looked at you, I was certain you have swallowed something." Beel stood up and shook his head once again.

"I am not eating the donation food. I prepared for this and I got food from the fridge and grab some stuff to eat if I get hungry just by looking at the food for donation." He exclaimed, a smile grazing his lips somewhat proud of his idea.

Lucifer pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh. "You didn't eat the food for the donation but you manage to raid the fridge."

"That's a smart idea Beel." You said causing Lucifer to stare at you.

"Please don't encourage or rather praise Beel in his idea, he might do it again." You laugh.

"I'll finish what you started [Y/n], you should go help the others. I think Asmodeus is looking for you." You nodded and headed towards the door, saying goodbye before you left.

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